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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

@MalteseMomma wrote:



i am getting old.....lol  79 is old.....lol  but I am used to being in control and my son seems to want to make my life easier buy taking over things but i cannot seem to relax and let him.....lol...I have my ways,but I AM old and tired..like the comming snow tonite.I always shoveled (my dh is dead ovwer 20 yrs) so i did myself.DS wants me NOT to worry he will get someone to shovel and it causes friction............lol  he gets upset ,if he thinks I am upset.


Listen to this story...............


My GS rented apt in my basement 7 yrs,just moved into a new home with wife to start a family ,stupidly wrote in PO of his change of address included family,we share same name,he should have said individual..OMG disaster........all my stuff,even my tv /internet provider/bank/credit cards/water co and gas &elec  thinks I moved,even pkgs delivered to his new home.............you cannot believe the disaster it has caused to me this whole month calling everything I own ,rent,charge or buy that I still live here and have been for over 65 yrs and the only way i will leave is if they carry me out in a black box...........lol  My phone,my tv ,my cable /internet company everything moved to his house........omg.I spent hrs last night with my cable company fixing the fact I still live here.I thought all was well, untill I went to bed,turned on TV and all i can get is Sports Channels.........omg disaster not HBO,Cinimax ,ect nothing but sports.I am going out of my mind with a nervous breakdown....  sigh............lol

I'm so sorry about the mail mix-up, @MalteseMomma. Having everyone go elsewhere is a big problem, especially bills and things. Before I moved to Texas for work, I was living with my parents between leases. When I moved to Texas, I filled out the change of address forms and did inform them that it was only me moving and the rest of the family was keeping the current address. Everyone got it right except the AARP. They somehow started sending all my dad's mail to me in Texas. We got it fixed, but I've been getting junk mail about medicare and the AARP ever since, even though I was 29 when I moved out here.

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

Hi CamilleP.....yes, both surgeries were on the same knee. The pain has been almost too much to bear since the replacement surgery.....but I think I've turned the corner finally, and seem to be improving by the day. I do attribute the hair loss to the meds, pain and stress of it all.....but I'm hopeful it will all be worth it in the end. Fingers crossed!!!😊

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

Oh ouch!  My osteopathic surgeon did warn me that the arthroscopic surgery might or might not work to relieve the knee pain, and I might need TKR after all.  I hope not, and I will absolutely keep you in my prayers, Grandmapetes, that your knee does indeed start to heal quickly, and that your pain level goes down even more, I am so sorry you are still suffering!

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

Thank you, Drythe, I am glad that upping the scalp oil treatments seem to have speeded your hair's recovery after your surgeries, it was the best thing I could think of to try without going to hormone or laser therapy.  I am sorry you are going to have to face re-visiting the TKR surgery on one of your knees, that's a bummer!  I hope the revision works better than the original surgery, and you don't have  any more problems from either knee in the future!  Thanks again!

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

@CamilleP, I hope you are healing well from your surgery!

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

Stormygirl, the weather doesn't seem to have much effect on my knees, only my right foot, which has a lot of arthritis in it from being crushed when I was a kid.  My knee surgery was done because I tore the meniscus while hiking last spring, and conservative treatment (bracing, cortisone injection and nsaids) did not help.  Also, I have always had bad knees because I have almost no trochlear grooves and so my kneecaps slip off to the sides all the time, so they are pretty rough on the back.  While the doc was inside with his arthroscope, he did a "release" surgery on the lateral patellar ligament in hopes that the kneecap would stay in the "middle" of the joint better, so it's arthritic changes won't get worse.  Time will tell if the two surgeries help or not, I hope so!  Thanks for the good wishes, I hope you get through this winter with as much comfort as possible as well!

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

Thank you, Nikki, I think I am getting along about as well as anyone could expect, at one week out.  I'll see the surgeon next week, and he'll tell me if I'm doing okay or if I'm being a slacker and need to get tough on myself and start running marathons the next day, LOL!  

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Re: Recovering from general anaesthesia hairloss?

@sailor_moon perfect!


@CamilleP and all others thst posted - so sorry for all the real stuff you are dealing with.😔