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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

@Kachina624   Beach


I love to swim

I love mingling w/the natives

I love the food

I love being catered too

I love Alcohol.gifunder the palm trees w/o a care in the world

I love room service

Love the night life

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

[ Edited ]

I do love both but It would be the ocean no 1 and then mountains.

My sister always chooses the mountains.


But it can't be any ocean or any mountain. Not Hawaii or CA or Carribean ocean-it's gotta be the Atlantic in all it's glorious moods-grey and rough, beautiful sparkling sun waves.


And the mountains-not the Rockies, or anywhere else but the Blue Ridge-I always feel like others have said-peace and they are calling to me, rising high up in the sky, surrounding you with their majesty.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

Neither one. I'd rather be in a city visiting museums, etc or, better yet, just at home for my vacation from work.

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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?



Mountains.  Growing up in SF near the water was ok, we had fun body surfing as kids but it was usually cold and windy.


Couldn't wait till we went on vacation to Lake Tahoe in the mountains.  We'd stay at a friend's cabin and can still smell the pine trees.


We're now in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and couldn't be happier Smiley Happy  Planted lots of pine trees too.



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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

Don't you think it is amazing how some always long for and dream  about living at the beach and some always the mountains?And feel like they have come home at one or the other.

It must be something we are born with.

I can't imagine anyone not loving the ocean. Except my grandmother hated the beach-the sand, the heat. And when we would open our windows to fall asleep with the waves she would always say about the ocean: "I wish it would just keep still just for a minute!" lol!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

I'm 20 minutes from the wonderful beaches on Sanibal Island. Would love to spend some time at a place like Lake Placid in the Aderondack's in NY. In fact DH says if we had the re$ource$, we'd buy a summer home there. 

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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

Nice thread!  We've been to the Grand Tetons numerous times over the years; it's a special place for us.  Would love to live close to them and view them daily.

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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

Beach girl all the way ! I have been to Virginia Beach, Myrtle beach and a beach in LA and loved them all ! I also visited the Mountains of Colorado during the winter. The snow was beautiful but not for me although we have our share of snow in the midwest.  I know it sounds silly but although the flowers in the mountain picture are beautiful it makes me think of snakes hidden in the grass ! Woman LOL

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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

@Kachina624  They both look so beautiful. Maybe the beach in summer and the mountains in fall. 

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Re: Which Would be Your Vacation Choice?

BEACH all the way!  Prefer sand over dirt!  Also prefer beautiful beaches along the east coast, especially the Jersey Shore. 


Mountains are fine for skiing but that's it.