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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

I have limited vacation time and usually can only take two weeks off at a time. So, I’m constrained by that.

Although I love it when my plane lands and I’m home, I think I only remember one time when I was getting a little tired when actually on the trip. It was my Nepal trip and the food in my first lodge was a little repetitive. Even though it was good, it was a relief to move to a second lodge with a little more variety. It’s possible that I may have been a bit too effusive at the Thai offerings at lunch one day, inadvertently insulting the usual selections.

I can say that I do miss my kitties, but I get daily updates and photos from their sitter. I also try to call my mother semi-regularly.
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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

[ Edited ]

A week is long enough for me.  I miss my dog and am ready to come home, not necessarily to my routine because I like to take two weeks vacation.  One to go somewhere and the other to stay home and relax or do overdo, but enjoyable projects.  After that, can return to work and the normal routine.

Do not like to come home from being away and immediately return to work.  I enjoy the second week off from work and just being home.


Now, if I did not have a dog and was retired, I would like to spend a month touring our USA and a month visiting England, Ireland and Italy. 


Actually, when I was younger and healthier, I had the romantic notion that someday I would travel the world.  That dream is no longer feasible for many reasons - health, funds and the state of the World.  I would not feel safe traveling as I had visioned.  Thought of seeing China, Africa, the Far East, Europe -  no longer in my daydreams.

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

i am a homebody.  i have gone away for 7-9 days and was able to tolerate it, but i am always more comfortable at home.  

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

Logistically, about 30 days is it for me. That's the time limit for having mail held by USPS and having my auto insurance cover a rental car. Yeah, there are ways to get around those types of things but by that time I'm pretty much ready to go home. 

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

Not long but I've never gone international.  I would love to do Italy and I'd like to go for 2 weeks at the least.


But for cruises and other trips, I'm ready to come home after 5 days.  Mostly because I miss my dog and I just want my own stuff.  I want my own bed, my own bathroom, my closet of stuff, etc.  


Like someone else said, I'm really a homebody at heart.  That is where I prefere to be. 

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

About 5 days....Dh and I are on the same page with vacation time.  We took two weeks about 25 years ago, and thought we would lose our mind until we got home.

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

@Mz iMac wrote:

Let's just say I can live out of a suitcase. 

Me too. Or in the back of our Subaru Forester Sport.  I like my own pillow, comforter and memory foam mattress.  Lord willing, in March we will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary  & plan to take a two week road trip to Louisiana in April.   Then we will have been to all 50 states.

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

It depends on the trip. My annual vacation every year is to Cancun, and I take 10 days. The trip is intended to help decompress from work, so it takes a few days to let go of stress completely and get used to doing nothing but relaxing in he sun and water and eating and drinking well, I've found that for that trip, that's the right amount of time. If I'm going to a major city like NYC, I only can handle about 4 night, as it gets tiring. 

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?

I can't do it for very long and that impacts my interest to go to some places because you need a minimum of 10 days plus the 2 to get there and back.


I want to go on a cruise and I need to start on a short one to see if I like it.  I don't want a situation where I'm clawing to get off the boat after 3 days.  LOL

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Re: How long can you be on vacation?


I would recommend a 5 day cruise on nice ship close to home. I like a site Vacations to go. VTG has information about a ship (eg) wifi prices, age of the ship, does the ship has a laundry room. 

The mega cruise site Cruise is filled with all things sailings.