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Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

My neighbors are going to New Zealand for 20 days.  Wondering that country uses the same power plugs for charging phones etc that we do.  I wanted to buy them a present.  Often travelers don't ask that question and get stuck trying to use what they brought along that does not comply with standards in that country.


Also cell phone usage. Wondering how they will use their cell phones to communicate within the country and messaging back home to the USA.


Advice appreciated. 

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

Honestly? I'd give them a packet of New Zealand currency. People know how they like to travel. Sometimes it can be better to buy an inexpensive made-in-China hairdryer once you arrive than pack your own from home that requires a converter. Often hotels can lend you a converter to use. Best to travel light and solve any problems that may arise once you're there. 


The same with cell phones. Pick up a Tracfone or such in a drugstore there. 

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

They are going on a vacation and you want to buy them a gift? Nice friend. Did not know people do that.

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

Maybe just offer to water their plants? I would think they'd know what they need and want to keep things to a minimum. 

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

While I think it's nice that you want to treat your friend, I'm in the camp not to buy them anything to bring on their trip. I would think flying halfway across the world the last thing they want is to pack anything they may not need. Plugs, chargers, SIM cards and their plans, etc if needed can all be easy purchased there. Even at the airport upon arrival. It's not like they're flying to a third world country.


Offer to do something on this end. Like mentioned, water plants, check for any unexpected mail or packages, turn on off lights, stuff like that. 


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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

@bonnielu Don't give them more stuff to pack. They can get all they need ahead of time or at the airport.


Who gives gifts to people going on vacation?


Offer to do something for them to help get ready or to bring in the mail, water the plants or just ask them what you could do.

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

[ Edited ]

We went to New Zealand and didn't need a thing. They are very Americanitized. I would offer to look after their house, bring in the mail, etc. I'm sure they already have bought what they need. Maybe make them a dinner when they get back. Jet lag can be very exhausting.

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

[ Edited ]

Depending on their carrier, they can purchase an international plan for the time they are going to be there. If they cant at least contact  their carrier to find out themselves, perhaps they shouldnt travel half way around the world. You say many people travel are not prepared. That would be stupid on their part.


Same with electronics specs in New Zealand. Im sure they have a computer to google to find out what to do to travel to NZ. 


Collect their mail, its a huge gift in an of itself. 


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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

We help each other, have been doing that for years.  Blessed with the best neighbors.  And before each of us goes away a small gift is shared.  All I wanted to do was follow their lead out of gratitude for their 30 year friendship.  I do offer to check mail and newpapers and anything that puts them at ease.  I just wanted to add something they might need since they are the ones who called me for help with the converter and also phone question.  Nothing like being prepared in advance.  Thanks all for your responses.

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Re: Gift for friend advice. They are going to New Zealand

Years ago when I went to China, one of my friends gave me a book with puzzles, brain teasers and  and other things to work on while on the plane.  


It was appreciated and I did use it to keep myself occupied.