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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

I hope we won't have to; we have a trip to Ireland booked for May.  😐

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

[ Edited ]

I was planning on visiting family this spring, but have decided to delay my flight until at least summer since the virus is now on our soil. I am not overly cautious, because of the low probability of contracting it per the CDC, but will feel more comfortable once the proliferation or lack thereof, has been clearly established.



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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

Just curious.




I don't have any vacation plans, but even if I did, I don't think that I would be changing them.




I plan to stay home for now...don't want to be trapped somewhere.

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

Anyone that travels outside the US any time soon, is just asking for trouble IMO! 

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

My daughter's boyfriend is planning to go to Italy to study Italian but he is rethinking his plans. 

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

I would be reconsidering foreign travel. Might not be able to get back to the US very easily if exposed some how. I know business travel is being cut back on.

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

We are planning to fly to Hawaii in the Fall, and while it's not another country, it is an island and you either fly or cruise.  Haven't made flight reservations yet but we have the condo for two weeks (didn't get cancellation insurance)!

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

my daughter has been preparing to do a semster abroad in milan, beginning in late august. so far, no word yet if that will still be happening. her school is thinking of canceling that program there. not sure when she will know for sure. she has been pretty upset about it. not sure if she will have any other options other than staying home taking classes at her university.

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

[ Edited ]

We are going to Disney World with my daughter's family in is all paid for. I'm a little nervous, but still plan to go.

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Re: Anyone Changing Their Vacation Plans Because of the COVID-19 Virus?

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

We are going to Disney World with my daughter's family in is all paid for. I'm a little nervous, but still plan to go.

@Nataliesgramma   I was reading all the responses to this post because I also have plans in travel.  Going to Disney too with my daughter and 2 small kids.  Truthfully, I am a little nervous about the trip, but cancelling would be a major disappointment.   Unfortunately risk is related to everything we do today.  I have already bought hand sanitizer and lots of wet wipes.  I also travel with a pillow case.