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On 4/20/2014 Goldenlocks said:

Thanks to all for you help!

If I understand correctly, I have Windows Vista Home Premium, purchased in 2009, so I'm still covered by Microsoft - right?

Also, is Q's Kindle TSV worthwhile? I basically shop, pay bills, and do Facebook and emails on the computer. So, probably could get by with an inexpensive tablet if I want to replace my laptop - right?

Thanks again for all your help!

XP is the version of Windows for which tech support is ending. Every few years Microsoft will discontinue tech support for their oldest operating system. In a way it makes sense because that system is usually one which consumers haven't been able to buy on a new computer for at least ten years. In the world of computers ten years is ancient.

XP users who had pcs in fine working order lucked out with with a couple extra years of service. This was because the last time Microsoft whacked tech support for an OS they took the failed Windows ME, although it was a couple years newer than XP. Right now you're still covered with a Vista operating system. I would speculate that Vista will be next in line, but you probably have 3 to 5 years before that happens.

If your primary computer use is on your desktop, then you can get by with a tablet like Kindle. Like you most of my true computer use is on a desktop. I have a notebook and a Nook, but primarily opt for the Nook as my portable option. If my notebook breaks down I have no plans to replace it. People who are using the tablet in place of a full-function computer (such as business travelers, college students), definitely need the power and function of a true notebook (laptop), or the Samsung or iPad in the tablet world.

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On 4/20/2014 Goldenlocks said:

Thanks to all for you help!

If I understand correctly, I have Windows Vista Home Premium, purchased in 2009, so I'm still covered by Microsoft - right?

Also, is Q's Kindle TSV worthwhile? I basically shop, pay bills, and do Facebook and emails on the computer. So, probably could get by with an inexpensive tablet if I want to replace my laptop - right?

Thanks again for all your help!

Your Vista OS is good until 2017. Please check Microsoft for the exact date. You would be best buying an iPad Air. You will not be happy with any cheap tablet.
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Thanx. Good to know I've got a reprieve - 'til 2017! Will have to look into the Ipad and Samsung tablet. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!! Happy Easter!

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I'm a laptop girl. Tablets and phones are just too small for me, screen-wise and keyboard-wise. I have several laptops, so I have them around my house and they are very convenient.

It seems that tablets are extremely popular, however, so obviously many people love them. I don't have the need to be online at all times, so I'm super happy with my laptops. I have laptop stands for all of them so I am easily able to keep them from overheating. That's the biggest thing with laptops - you need to have air circulation around them to keep them cool and they will last much longer. My oldest laptop is from 2007 and it still works well. But that one is XP so it's out of my rotation, particularly since it couldn't handle the higher security level of my latest router. Now that XP is totally out of the loop for updates, I will probably just remove the hard drive and dispose of that one. I still have plenty of laptops without it.

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Wow, I wish I could get you all in one room and help you out. I'm a tech writer and trainer by trade and would love to help you all. Let me see if I can help with a couple of things.

First, Nomless. What device are you using that doesn't have those characters, "<" and ">"? I'm using an iPad right now and I checked my android phone; both have them.

Look for them by first pressing your key for the number set in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Once you have the numbers available you will see the "ABC" button instead of the "123" button.

Now look above the ABC button for either a button with the characters "#+=" (on the iPad) or a button labeled with the number "2" that looks like it's laying on top of another button (on the Android.)

Press the one you see and hopefully you will then be able to see < and > on that keyboard. If not, please let me know what device you are using and I'll try to help you! I understand how frustrating it is to not be able to find things Smiley Wink

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Kjpa, I'm on a nook hd, and really, left and right carot characters aren't there. I select the numeric button to get digits and a bunch of symbols. From there, ALT beings up another symbol set. 46 symbols total, including things like pi. But really, no carots anywhere. It's strange, I know. I checked to see if there's another keyboard option. There isn't.
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Found 'em! Via in a web search. I have to select parenthesis and drag up to display 3 more characters, among them, the carots. Who knew?

I'm glad I've found them. I do html work so I knew about paragraphing, but I didn't know the needed symbols are hidden.

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As to the question, Tablet or Laptop, there are benefits to both as many have stated. I'm not a huge fan of any software. I'm paid to test it, write about it, troubleshoot it, train others, etc. All of them have their pros and cons.

My Apple friends all say iPads and iPhones are the best and the easiest. I want to say they have their own share of problems. But I have both an iPad and two Android tablets as well as an Android phone and the iPad has fewer connectivity problems and a lot fewer crashes. I have to say for a tablet it actually works the best.

Another benefit of the "I" products is the ease in which you can restore them. Your photos, music, videos, files, and apps are stored in the cloud in your account. You can completely wipe your device and restore it from the cloud and it's like a new device. That's a big help if your device starts misbehaving, running slow, etc.

Now the drawback to iPads is price. You can often buy three Android tablets for what you'll pay for one iPad. But the iPad does hold it's value better/longer.

Another drawback is how much you use something like Google mail. My google mail is slow to arrive on my iPad. That's a big deal when I'm working.

Perhaps the biggest drawback for people using their tablets for Web surfing is an inability to view a lot of active content due to Apple "not playing nice" with something called Flash Player. If you ever see the message, "You must install Flash Player" you can kiss that content goodbye on an iPad. Never gonna see it. But I've noticed a lot of content that won't display on my newest Nook Color HD either. Sometimes I just have to get on my laptop to view some things. I haven't even taken the time to figure out why those don't work on the Nook but.....

I guess I'm saying that if you have access to only one device I would pick a laptop to be safe. But I set my mom up with an iPad because I can always let her use my laptop if she has to do something she can't do on her iPad. 99.9% of the time the iPad is fine for her.

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Kjpa, see my post above....the < and > symbols are hidden but I found them.
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Registered: ‎07-07-2012
On 4/20/2014 nomless said: Test

Found it in a web search. Jave to select parenthesis and drag up to display 3 more characters, among them, tje carots. Who knew?

Nomless, so glad you found it! Wow, what a pain! I just got on my Nook and I see what you mean.

I forgot that on my Android phone I use a different keyboard, something called Swype. It doesn't seem to be available on the Nook. Darn! I love it on my phone.

Anyway, if you go back to your post above and notice the word "Test" is smaller than the rest of your post it's because you didn't put < p > in front of the word Test. You can edit your post and do that to see the effect. I'm not sure why our posts from tablets are in a smaller font unless we know to use this trick but at least it works. Have fun posting Smiley Wink