I haven't had my order changed. However, it has been canceled. I used to get things I ordered in less than a week. Now, several purchases haven't even shipped for over a week later. Then, UPS is getting slower. It takes several days for something to be picked up and sent on its way after it's marked shipped. Tomorrow, I'm scheduled for the delivery of two items which were ordered 10 days ago. I believe that QVC is experiencing the same thing other places are. The shipping gets slower and slower.
There are so many people out of work. Yet, some of the jobs I know about require training and licensing. Nobody wants to take those jobs or has the licensing. My daughter's company keeps down sizing. Many are being laid off. The banks have closed branches. We have one bank branch here in town that has no tellers. Its completely automated. There are 2 people to make sure things work. Many jobs were eliminated.
There are over 400 homeless people in our town. The businesses don't want them around. The city doesn't know what to do with them. The crime rates are up substantially. I live in a town of just under 100,000. We used to have maybe one murder per year. So far, this year there have been 6 criminal murders. The other crimes have skyrockeded.
I'm just glad I can order things from a variety of companies. These days, I always plan for the shipping problems. I have never needed to have Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving. However, this year I will have it done and at my front door by December 1st. I won't even address the prices and inflation.
We don't live in the same world that used to exist. I can't imagine living in another country though. Times are difficult everywhere. I'm sorry your order wasn't sent the way you planned. I am thankful for the blessings I have and thankful I can still buy things and have them arrive, even though it takes awhile.