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I don't know if this is important to folks.. its important to me.  MAC Cosmetics is not cruelty free. It's interesting because their website states they do not test on animals and don't pay people to test for them.  But.... MAC Cosmetics sells their products in mainland China which legally requires cosmetics to be animal tested.  It bothers me that MAC would be so duplicitious on their website regarding this very important (at least to me) issue.  

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@Cali Bag Lady 


It's also important to me, so thank you! 


I also don't use talc, it's the first ingredient I see in their eyeshadow.  It's still used because it's super cheap for them.   Mac and other cosmetic co's need step it up. 

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@Cali Bag Lady - It's important to me too. I used to wear MAC years ago and would have ordered the TSV if they said no to paying China to perform animal testing.



Companies are starting to get around this. Selling online in China does not require animal testing. I read somewhere about a cosmetic company who had a space in one of the main Chinese department stores for selling their products. They had testers there and skilled makeup artists that could give advice and give makeovers. BUT if a customer wanted the product she had to order online. No animal testing!  

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@decaf  I also avoid talc in beauty products. It makes me look like the crypt keeper. I didn't know it was one of the cheapest ingredients. Lately I've been finding many more products without it. Makes such a difference for me. 
Cruelty free is important to me as well. I know I have some products in my stash from companies that aren't cruelty free but once I KNOW the company isn't cruelty free, I will not purchase from them again. 

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@RooRoo  Talc is just the binder that adheres and keeps a powder product on the skin.  And it's not just that it's the cheapest binder there is. Cosmetic companies buy almost all of these raw materials from third party Chinese sources who claim it's asbestos free and free of other harmful contaminants.  It's the honor system., not very good for us.


I'm allergic to talc now, mostly on my neck and face and worst on my eyelids, and it makes me look ten years older anyway.


Cruelty free products and clean beauty brands are really becoming more available so I'm hopeful that innocent animals will be better protected soon, as well as us.


If we don't buy it, they'll have to change.  Laura Geller is cruelty free now but has always used talc in all powder cosmetics.  I just noticed her latest QVC eyeshadow palette has rice bran instead, I forget it's exact name though.



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@decaf wrote:

@RooRoo  Talc is just the binder that adheres and keeps a powder product on the skin.  And it's not just that it's the cheapest binder there is. Cosmetic companies buy almost all of these raw materials from third party Chinese sources who claim it's asbestos free and free of other harmful contaminants.  It's the honor system., not very good for us.


I'm allergic to talc now, mostly on my neck and face and worst on my eyelids, and it makes me look ten years older anyway.


Cruelty free products and clean beauty brands are really becoming more available so I'm hopeful that innocent animals will be better protected soon, as well as us.


If we don't buy it, they'll have to change.  Laura Geller is cruelty free now but has always used talc in all powder cosmetics.  I just noticed her latest QVC eyeshadow palette has rice bran instead, I forget it's exact name though.



@decaf  Thanks for the info. I didn't know, all I know is that it LOOKS so bad on my skin, it's something I avoid like the plague. I have dry eyes after cataract surgery and there's no way I will put it around my eyes. I'm happy to hear Laura Geller is stepping up. I would never consider her products due to the talc, but I would reconsider if she is willing to make changes. Good to know & thanks again. 

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@decafI've been trying to figure out what's been going on with me with sensitivies to items.  Would you mind telling me what sort of reaction you've been having to talc in products?  And by eliminating talc have you eliminated your issue or just improved it somewhat?  (wondering if you are searching for more things that could be an issue for you).  Hope you don't mind my asking.


Also, which Laura geller eyeshadows were you referring to that had rice bran instead of talc?  


Thanks so much.

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Thanks for posting.  Upsetting information, but good to know.  I read their statement and while it seems very honest (transparent), it doesn't make it ok.   Not sure how it could be ok with them.


What are other cosmetics companies doing?  Are there some that don't sell in china?  Anyone we know?


@Cali Bag Lady 

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Re: MAC Cosmetics TSV

[ Edited ]

I used to be a HUGE fan of Allgenist products, until I found out they sold their products in China.  They also have that same type of duplicitious statement... similar to Mac's about the animal testing. I find it very odd that they would participate in animal testing since they were founded and based out of San Francisco, one of the most "green" and "consciencious" cities in the country.  


For skin care I've been really happy with Josie Maran's line, especially her Milk and the "reserve" Argon oil.  As for make up, I use Bare Minerals and IT Cosmetics. Both are on PETA's list of cruelty free cosmetics.  If PETA approves, then so do I.  I don't have the "talc" issue, at least I don't think so but it is going to be something I am going to keep an eye out in the future. If the fillers and binders are coming from China, then I want to avoid as much of that as possible. So I really appreciate the discussion about talc in this thread. 

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Re: MAC Cosmetics TSV

[ Edited ]

@moonandthestars wrote:

@decafI've been trying to figure out what's been going on with me with sensitivies to items.  Would you mind telling me what sort of reaction you've been having to talc in products?  And by eliminating talc have you eliminated your issue or just improved it somewhat?  (wondering if you are searching for more things that could be an issue for you).  Hope you don't mind my asking.


Also, which Laura geller eyeshadows were you referring to that had rice bran instead of talc?  


Thanks so much.

@moonandthestars  When I apply talc to my face and neck it starts to feel itchy and tingly . It's very annoying. I avoid it..  On my eyelids it's worse, it starts itching and feellng prickly, then starts to burn and if I don't remove it the skin gets red, raw and almost blistery for days. Then I took antihistmines and used cold compresses on eyelids. Every time you use the product the reaction worsens.


When I eliminated the talc I have no more symptoms.  You could be allergic to talc or other ingredients.  I had to do a lot of research about this on the internet. 


For eyelid allergies (which is the thinnest/ most sensitive skin on the face) the most offending ingredients can be: talc, bismuth oxychloride, dimethicone, carmine, titanium dioxide, boron nitride, propylene glycol, aluminum , fragrance, mica. Mica is not really an allergen, its inert, but if it's in pieces and chunks like in shimmery and glittery e/s, it's more of an bad irritant than a real allergen. 


You can either get patch tested at an allergist or try, by process of elimination, see which ingredient(s) bothers you.  The Laura Geller palette has silica and rice bran extract oryza sativa, no talc. a460092   If you try it let us know if it works for you. Here's the link for it.