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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

I'm a pretzel girl but I rarely indulge because of the salt.


I'm contemplating sending a box to my brother - these look delish!

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

@Caaareful Shopper  I totally agree with you about the flavor selections for the TSV. I never liked PBJ or coconut. This is an easy pass for me. I've had the Landies 

pretzels before, and they are good - just not this selection.


Also, I sure do wish the gentleman from Landies would stop letting stuff from the pretzels drip all over his fingers. I'm sure they told him to do it, but it's a turn-off for me.

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

I thought I would finally try these, however, agree with others who do not like these flavors.  Only one flavor would be good to me.  So another pass... Cat Indifferent

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

Alberti said there's no one who doesn't like PBJ. Well, he hasn't met me! PBJ, coconut, peanut, marshmallow are all flavors I don't like. It it were just chocolate, maybe with caramel or a pecan turtle flavor, I would get this.
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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

@Carmie wrote:

I am happy that I can and do make my own stuffed and chocolate covered pretzels.  I have  been doing it for years.


I really enjoy making candies.  I make several types, including my grandkid's favorite...clear toy candy.



Ahhh~~~a girl after my own Heart~~~a candy maker! 


I am a baker, but don't delve into candy making, but my Mom used to make awesome divinity. 


Do you make divinity @Carmie?

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

Landies is the only food item from QVC that I asked for a refund about.   Nasty

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

@jackiejenny   No, I have never made divinity.


I make all types of fudge, chocolate covered nuts, pretzels, fruits, hard candies like clear toy...I have lots of cast iron molds.


I make PB cups, caramels, pecan turtles.  I like working with chocolate.


Maybe I'll give divinity a try.  I bake too, but I am not a decorator.  My daughter and especially one of my granddaughters decorates like a pro.  She is a graphic artist who decorates cakes for a hobby.



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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

They looked nice but I didn't care for the flavors. Give me milk chocolate and dark chocolate. Forget the coconut, peanut butter and marshmallows.

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

[ Edited ]

For me, what they messed up with in this set is it all seemed like they just threw flavors on a bulletin board without considering how they really taste together.  


I'd never want most of those ingredients on a pretzel, even if I do like them separately.  Plus, only one dark chocolate pretzel in a TSV was a miss.  

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Re: Landies Candies TSV - October 11, 2023

I have never had these pretzels before and was going to order them. Then I saw the flavors. I do not like coconut or marshmallow and to me pb&j belongs on a sandwich.