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Does anyone know what tonight's Bronzo Italia TSV will Be?

I have tried looking at New Arrivals but cannot figure which one?

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Re: Does anyone know what tonight's Bronzo Italia TSV will Be?

The TSV (according to an e-mail I received) will be hoop earrings. I deleted the e-mail so I can't provide any item numbers or pricing. I think it was a choice of sizes and of course ""colors"".

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Does anyone know what tonight's Bronzo Italia TSV will Be?

I deleted it too. They were twisted hoop earrings in white, rose and gold. They will come in two sizes (1 and 1 1/2 inches) and will be between $34 and $39. HTH.

I kind of liked the lood of them, but I don't have much experience with the Bronzo line, other than one pair in the bronze that I bought when they were first introduced. They have held up well, so I may try another.

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Re: Does anyone know what tonight's Bronzo Italia TSV will Be?

Are these the same hoops they did a few months back as a TSV? They sure sound like it. I have the rose ones in the larger size. They still look great, and I get a lot of compliments. I was hoping for something different though.