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Registered: ‎04-26-2016
I purchased this laptop, by the time I made my last easy pay pmt the laptop quit. I thought oh great, I have a warranty and QvC behind me. Bought lots from Qvc and have never been unhappy until this purchase. Went round and round with both Dell and QVC Of course the warranty wasn't covered for supposedly the fan. Finally got Dell to take my laptop after hours of calling and being transferred to lots of different people. I was notified that I had moisture in my laptop and it would not be covered. I have a laptop that was 6 months old that is worthless. Will never buy another Dell or computer from QVC. QVC was NO help either.
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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

@gramma2five  When I was in graduate school in the middle of a thesis my DELL took a dive.  I called the Geek Squad and they charged me as much as a new computer to get it working so I could finish my paper.  After that, only Apple products and I've never looked back.  So sorry this happened to you.

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Over 5 years ago when I was computer shopping, Apple wanted 3X as much for a smaller laptop than the Dell I eventually bought.  The Apple clerk who was explaining her product to me said "If you buy Apple, you won't need anpother computer for 5 or 6 years."


Well - those years have passed and my Dell probably should be replaced.  I've talked with the local repairman and gotten advice -  his suggestion for my needs: Dell.  Works for me -  and if the next machine lasts as long as this one, I'll still have almost enough dollars left in that mental account that didn't buy an Apple to buy a third laptop!.   I've owned Apple -  one good, one not so good.  

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

have someone who knows what they are doing look at it,


how can they know over the phone if there is moisture there 


a fan should not be too much to be replaced.  

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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

@gramma2five wrote:
I purchased this laptop, by the time I made my last easy pay pmt the laptop quit. I thought oh great, I have a warranty and QvC behind me. Bought lots from Qvc and have never been unhappy until this purchase. Went round and round with both Dell and QVC Of course the warranty wasn't covered for supposedly the fan. Finally got Dell to take my laptop after hours of calling and being transferred to lots of different people. I was notified that I had moisture in my laptop and it would not be covered. I have a laptop that was 6 months old that is worthless. Will never buy another Dell or computer from QVC. QVC was NO help either.



It sounds like any excuse to not hold up their end of the warranty.

You did say that you sent it to Dell?

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

I woud never buy a computer from dell again they are junk espically the laptops? and the computers from qvc are old models. if you want to take it to a outside source and see how much they will charge you to fix it. I will only buy apple now and go to the store? they are so knowelege and always helpful. had a apple for two years and no issues. 

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: Dell computer

[ Edited ]

My Dell Laptop TSV from a couple of years ago had big problems. Hard drive went twice in the first 9 months of only light use. Now speakers are going. Computer has barely been used since purchased it, and it is now practically worthless. Junk!! Will never buy gain!!.

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Never buy any computer from a shopping channel! They are older models.

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎04-28-2018

@apple1964  How do you know that?  I am sure Wally World carries the most up-to-date computers available.  You must be careful no matter where you buy a computer.  I have apple phone, apple ipad mini and the large apple ipad.  Saving for an apple computer but so far this Toshiba does just fine - from the Q.

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I am just curious.


This post is from September of 2017! How do these posts get bumped up from so far back?


And why do people start adding to it with more comments? I always look at the date of the post. Am I odd, or do people just really not notice it is old? Not trying to be sarcastic at all, it just happens frequently and I guess I am just wondering how the original old posts comes all the way up to current postings?