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Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

This is the deal breaker for my decision to buy this!  Thanks!!!

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I don't think it would be good for a cake because once you add the flour it would be over mixed and possibly tough.I think cookie batter would be fine but not a large recipe.I am only guessing though do hope someone else answers.

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I own a KA food processor and use my KA mixer for cookie/cake batter.  


I don't think it would be a good idea. 



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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?



Yes you can, google it for lots of recipies.  I do not because I own a hand mixer and even then you have to use a rubber spatula to make sure the sides get mixed in evenly.  

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I own both the KA mixer and food processor.  I won't make cake or cookie dough in the food processor. It's great for pie crust and pizza dough but I would not use it for batter type items.   

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I have a hand mixer as well, and do use it to for cakes and batters.  I was just curious about thoughts to do it in the food processor! I asked the question on the Q site and they said I could use the dough blade to make batters.  I'm so on the fence!! Thanks! Smiley Happy

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

Technically you can.


Honestly, you shouldn't.


If you care about the texture and crumb of your baked goods, you really don't want to use the food processor even with the dough blade.  The lowest speed is too fast and the pulsing will make it uneven.


It's not meant for cookies and cakes.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I wouldn't, either.


Overmixing happens in a flash and you just wasted time, effort and grocery $ on tough, overmixed batters that you can't "undo".

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

I make cookie dough all the time in my older model KA food processor. Better than using the hand mixer. I expect making cake batter would be fine, too. I just never tried that.

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Re: Can you make cookie/cake batters in the KA Food processor TSV?

A food processor doesn't not incorporate air into the batter which is necessary for cakes.   If you made cookies,  it would only make a very small amount.   A mixer,  either a hand or stand mixer,  would be much more suitable for both jobs. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment