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It looks like a TSV from Barefoot Dreams tonight.  Any ideas??  thanks

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Hoping for a pull over. They done a lot of cardigans lately.

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Well, I definatley don't need anymore BD, have too many already. But, I prefer the CozyChic Lite as I find it softer, thicker, better quality, and doesn't stretch out like the UltraLite. However, I doubt it will be, as they seem to be putting out nothing but the Ultralite lately. 

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I'm hoping for something new, maybe with a pattern.  I have way too many of their cardigan, tunics, scarves and ponchos.   But I'll be tempted anyway. 

......You look like I need a drink.....
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I'm more interested in mattresses and vacuum cleaners than I am in a day of boring Barefoot Dreams presentations.


This is how to ruin a fashion day.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Well I guess everyone has their own likes and dislikes.  I acutually like fashion day.  I wold be bored with mattresses and vaccuum cleaners.  I wouldn't even be watching. 

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I'm weary of Barefoot Dreams by now. Whatever it is, easy pass for me.

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I am curious too.  Hoping it's something we haven't already seen a thousand times. Personally, I like Cozy Chic as it seems to be the only one that doesn't shed.

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Lord knows I have more than enough BD, but I'll still check out the TSV.  My favorite weight is the Cozy Chic Lite. 

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@Kachina624 wrote:

I'm more interested in mattresses and vacuum cleaners than I am in a day of boring Barefoot Dreams presentations.


This is how to ruin a fashion day.


@Kachina624  hahahahaha


