Bethenny crying was totally out of control. I know she regularly sees a therapist but I think she needs more than that or another therapist.
Carole is so cold....I don't find her one bit loving. She is just a cold fish.
Tinsley reminds me of a middle school teenager on vacation with her Aunts.
Lu really should not have gone on the trip knowing all the drinking that they do...just getting out of rehab and being around such a temptation plus the arguing and way a good idea.
Sonja did make me laugh when she ordered a Mocktini with a splash of Tequila.
Ramona really has cut down on her drinking. She and Sonja didn't annoy me this episode.
And then there is Dorinda...I think this episode showed that there really is a serious drinking problem with her. It is sad to think that she would see herself filmed in that condition and not want to get help. I really think she needs rehab more than Lu.
I wonder if her drinking problem will be discussed at the reunion and how Dorinda will handle that.