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Anyone watch that show? DH believes it is entirely scripted. He says no one would do those things that happen on this show. Last night someone slept in a booth during her shift. Any feedback from any of you out there.

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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Hi ncascade, My DH and I have watched this and the show "Restaurant Stakeout". Both of them look very scripted. Mystery Diners looks like a Jerry Springer episode once the "culprits" are brought to the camera room. At least in the show "Restaurant Stakeout", Willie does go in and works with the employees/owners to try to fix what isn't right. To me, that one is a "little" more believable. At least it looks like the host cares about workable solutions. "Restaurant Stakeout"...I haven't seen listed anymore. I know Willie is now part of the new show "Food Fortunes."

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""Food Fortunes"" is nothing more than ""Shark Tank"".

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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And it is not very good.

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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If you Google ""Mystery Diners"" there are several entries about the show being totally faked.

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I never heard of that. Is it a TV show? Reality show? What's it about?

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After watching a few episodes I knew it had to be scripted, what employee would agree to being televised doing this stupid stuff? How would they be employable after this? I actually found the facebook page for one of the actors from a first season show. Some of the stories may be based on truth. I am sure there are plenty of bartenders giving away free booze to people they are attracted to, and there are lots of employees stealing food. I saw theft when I was working in a restaurant.
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On 4/12/2015 colinka said:

If you Google "Mystery Diners" there are several entries about the show being totally faked.

Yeah, this is pretty old news. Just like any reality show, it's pretty much all scripted and re-enacted. I still like it, though. I also used to watch the other one with that Willie guy (can't remember the name) and I dropped that one a long time ago. It was just TOO ridiculous. But I like the 'Mystery Diners' guy and it's usually pretty entertaining.

The funniest part is after the bust when the ungrateful, self-centered employees talk about how they didn't do anything wrong. Yeah, ok.