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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

They rarely show her keep that weight she has to be consuming Thousands of calories over what she burns even with the exercise she does.


She must be a closet eater and consume off film all the junk food calories. No way would her so called PCOS, keep her at 400 pounds if she was eating the right amount of calories and burning them with all the exercise.


I think if she really looked at her calorie in quota....she would see she is consuming way more than she should be. 

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

I used to watch this show and thought great positivity in Whitney to get healthy and her dance classes with others.  Now I viewed and wow!  I do not understand why her family and friends are not concerened of health and mental health. She seems bigger now than ever.  Why?  I cannot watch someone go way down hill health wise, depresses me.  It is really unfortunate that TLC keeps this crazy train going just for money.

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

@SeaMaiden wrote:

They rarely show her keep that weight she has to be consuming Thousands of calories over what she burns even with the exercise she does.


She must be a closet eater and consume off film all the junk food calories. No way would her so called PCOS, keep her at 400 pounds if she was eating the right amount of calories and burning them with all the exercise.


I think if she really looked at her calorie in quota....she would see she is consuming way more than she should be. 

I find ALL shows that are based for all intents and purposes on body size, to be destructive and insulting, having lived in a body twice my current size for most of my adult life.


With the sort of financial and artificial social support she receives from performing, she has little incentive to question her own behavior.

Most terrifying is that she takes no lessons from her mother's medical history.


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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

As someone who is overweight (never lost weight gain after my last baby) then added to it; I have always told my daughters, "learn from my mistakes".


I also feel that a person should never hate themselves for any reason, but I do feel they should never make friends with their fat.


There is nothing wonderful about being overweight.  I'm talking about being way more than 50 or more pounds overweight.


It is just not healthy.  I remember hearing the leader at Weight Watchers.  (Paraphrasing), "If you want a reality check...carry around a 10 lb. Bag of potatoes everyware.  Now multiply that by how overweight you are".


It boggles the mind when you think of that.


I watch this show.  I do like the way she tells grossly overweight people to not hide in their home; but to get out and enjoy life.


Every now and then she will talk about how much her weight keeps her from fully enjoying her life.


However, I've noticed she seldom talks about the limitations caused by being very very over weight causes.


My opinion is that she has a chance to do some good...but like many of you say, it's as if she's making it seem really great.


Ive always been very happy when I've lost even 10 lbs because any time the scale DECREASES in numbers is a good thing.


I love myself.  Some days I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk.  I make myself get dressed, makeup and all and go to lunch with my friend.  Just so I can be around people.


I love people.  I love talking to strangers.  I have so many conversations everywhere I go.


People are fascinating.  If you approach others with a smile, you'll get one back.

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

It is obvious to me that if Whitney would lose weight and keep it off, she would probably find her mate, she has a pretty face, and I have said all along, that one day that weight will do her in, the older she gets, the worse it will be.


She fools herself if she thinks that by lifting weights. climbing mountains, running marathons of a sort, that she is fine, but she doesn't seem to try any longer.


The day Babs fell, Whitney was reclining in her car stuffing her face with some snack, and it wasn't crudites, but no one can help her except herself, would like to see that.  She could get several years more on tv if the show changed to her journey of losing weight, getting healthier, and then having a truly fabulous life, certainly does not have that now or she wouldn't be crying in every episode.

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

@Annabellethecat66  You are a beautiful person. ❤️ And yes, It is hard to lose weight. When I recently lost 10 plus pounds, I picked up a 10 pound barbell and carried it around and it opened my eyes as to how much weight that really is to have on hurting your joints etc. 

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

@colliemom4 wrote:

Recenlty Whitney admitted to a fling with a man and woman duo. I have no idea when it happened.



eeeeeeeeeeeew! everyone who's ragging on Whitney: I agree with you 100%. For all the reasons stated and there might be more we don't know about. That girl is her own worst enemy. 

I really like her parents but they're not going to live forever and what will Whitney do when they're not around anymore?

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

@phoenixbrd wrote:

@BlueFinch Instead of enabling....what an amazing opportunity for a successful show.  Her family and friend could confront her with the truth....we love you and don't want you leaving this planet due to an unhealthy condition that can be changed.  Then the journey of her recovery to health.  


Guess Whitney is not ready to face the truth....I would be surprised if the genius money maker producers haven't suggested this.  I think it might be the only way to change the inevitable trajectory of the show....


I think they should do a combo of "Intervention" with this show.  Have her family and friends go to her and tell her she is killing herself, and get her some mental health help.  Heck, they could even combine it with "My 600lb Life."


Watching her get her life together would be a GREAT way to help her and keep viewership all in one!


PCOS does NOT cause that type of weight gain.  There is even some suggestion that large weight gain sets off PCOS in some.  That's a partial cop out on her part.  Weight loss can help PCOS greatly.



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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️

I've noticed that that 'Frenchman' (is that one or two words) doesn't have any accent at all.


I know his picture is blurred but I don't think it says anything about blocking out the sound of his voice.

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Re: my big fat fabulous life🤦‍♀️