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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

@sunshine45 wrote:

@Sue in cincinnati

speaking of peter weir (of course witness and dead poets society are two of my favorite movies)......he did another "obscure" film that i loved......and i can rarely find it shown on tv. "PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK"


@sunshine45,   "Picnic at Hanging Rock" is possibly the most frustrating movie I've ever seen.  It's beautifully filmed and acted and yet there's that 


ending that leaves the mystery frustratingly unsolved

You may be interested in 


this Wikipedia entry about the novel's original ending.  Scroll down to "Excised Final Chapter."  




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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

@Sue in cincinnati wrote:

Some of my favorite movies: 


Summer of '42 : Jennifer O'Neill played a young war bride who is befriended by a 15 yr. old boy, Hermie.  It is a sweet coming of age story set at the seashore.


Unbearable Lightness of Being:  Great cast - Daniel Day Lewis as doctor,

Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin.  Takes place during the Prague Spring of

'68 until the Soviet Union crushes the revolt in August of 1968.  It's a beautifully filmed movie with a dream-like quality.


The Year of Living Dangerously:  Peter Weir directed this (think he also

did "Witness" another favorite).  A young Mel Gibson as a journalist,

Sigourney Weaver plays diplomat's dgtr., and Linda Hunt (won an Oscar

for playing a male photographer) who befriends Gibson during an Indonesian uprising.  The music and photography were hauntingly beautiful.


@Sue in cincinnati , The Year of Living Dangerously was a great movie. I has no idea that the male photographer was being played by a woman until Linda Hunt won the Oscar for it. And this was pre-Tootsied Dustan Hoffman. I've often wondered if Hunt was the first actor to play a role of the other gender in a major motion picture. That movie tugged at my heartstrings.


I saw it with my sister who had already seen it once before. She told me that when she first saw it there were three teenage boys in the row in front of her who were soooo very confused when the movie was over. Clearly they had assumed they would be watching a very different type of "living dangerously". Smiley Wink


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

[ Edited ]

"The Condo" (2015) well done and saavy

"The Mothman Chronicles"

A Richard Gere movie in which he is manic-depressive


~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

@LoriLori wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

@Sue in cincinnati

speaking of peter weir (of course witness and dead poets society are two of my favorite movies)......he did another "obscure" film that i loved......and i can rarely find it shown on tv. "PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK"


@sunshine45,   "Picnic at Hanging Rock" is possibly the most frustrating movie I've ever seen.  It's beautifully filmed and acted and yet there's that 


ending that leaves the mystery frustratingly unsolved

You may be interested in 


this Wikipedia entry about the novel's original ending.  Scroll down to "Excised Final Chapter."  







thanks so much......i do kind of agree about the ending, but i have seen other movies like that.....and it can be a turn off to some. i checked on rotten tomatoes and it has quite a high approval rating.


thanks for the second link also. i didnt know it was a novel initially. interesting information about the story! not sure how i felt about the entry that you put in the spoiler though.

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

@Sue in cincinnati, yes, "The Year of Living Dangerously" is a fantastic film.  I'd been haunted by a memory of something I wanted to post here, and I think it was a mention of that one.

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

How about "Return of the Secaucus 7".  "The Big Chill" was a cheap rip-off of that one, IMO.

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

Big Fish starring Ewan McGregor.  Helena Bonham Carter is in it too.  It might be a Tim Burton film.

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

[ Edited ]

"My left foot". I'm sure it's been on, but I really liked it. I adore, MISS POTTER. (Rene Zilwagger). and, Tammy with Debbie Reynolds, mother of Princess Lehia.

and do you know the movie, "Chocolat" like the French saying chocolate. Not sure of spelling, pretty French lady in it.


How about TALL STORY with Jane Fonda?

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

This was one of my favorites and it was years ago.  It was called - The Bread, My Sweet.   


Another one which has French subtitles (I am not one for subtitles) is Amalie.  Adore this one!!  


Here's another -- Milk Money.  How about Blind Date?  

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Re: Your favorite movie that no one's probably heard of?

Dear Ruth. You'll never find it but I loved this movie. Joan Caulfield and William Holden.


(so funny the Holden Caulfield favorites together in a movie).