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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

@Laura14 wrote:

Doesn't Mariah have a job to get back to after four months away? If I was the person covering, I'd be ticked if I was demoted at this point.


I was so grateful to get back to GC. I love Italy but enough already. 


So are Sally and Chloe going to design their own work clothes now and post them on Newman media? You would think Sally would be getting all kinds of job offers in Milan and elsewhere by now for designing the dress of the season. Jealous much, Miss Lauren? 


And I am so over Abby pining for her husband who she probably wouldn't remember if she tripped over him at this point. Did the casting director at Y&R get kidnapped too? Has anyone checked the office? How long do we need to recast this character or kill him off? Asking for a friend...

@Laura14, think they've killed Chance off today, except they'll be dragging it along for awhile, of course.  Liked Chance; bet Devon will become the official baby-daddy. Noah and Tessa will hook-up; and Mariah will, hopefully, be gone!!!

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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

@eddyandme  Works for me!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

So now we are led to believe that Chance is dead. Christine, the bearer 

of bad news pops in for a minute or two.


Bring on Devon to console Abby as always. Then they will become a

couple and Dominic's daddy.


Then what? In maybe 3 to 6 months there is a possible chance, get it,

that Chance did escape the building and he returns to Genoa City,

possibly with a new face after plastic surgery from his burns?


By then the baby will be in kindergarten or out on play dates so

he is never on screen!Woman Very Happy

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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

[ Edited ]

I don't see them getting rid of the only true Chancellor connection left on this once solid show... My guess is Chance will eventually surface and things will get ugly... Or perhaps I should say will get even more ugly... And yes, I know, it's hard to believe that's even possible...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

Makes sense @stevieb. Perhaps they'll take the lead from GH and have the new Chance show up on their wedding nite! Guess Devon ain't goinin' anywhere....(yuck)
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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

They'll probably do the tiresome old "badly burned in the explosion & needing extensive plastic surgery" thing & Chance will return with a new face & body.  Of course, the folks never contact their spouse or family to warn them they're coming back ahead of time!

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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

Saw discussion of the wedding dress, check out 'wornontv' and search for Y & R. (following is info on Victoria's dress)

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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

Actress Courtney Hope, Sally, married her GH star husband Chad Duell, Michael,

yesterday in a gothic style wedding.







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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

@threecees wrote:

Actress Courtney Hope, Sally, married her GH star husband Chad Duell, Michael,

yesterday in a gothic style wedding.







@threecees wrote:

Actress Courtney Hope, Sally, married her GH star husband Chad Duell, Michael,

yesterday in a gothic style wedding.







@threecees   Thanks for posting those pictures.  I saw on another forum that she had a red wedding gown but wasn't expecting it to look like that.  I find only one word can describe it "Yikes".



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Re: Young & Restless-October 2021

[ Edited ]

@J Town Girl Yikes I agree. Is he a vampire? I think they were a

week early for Halloween, it's next Sunday!Woman Very Happy


Apparently it was a Till Death ceremony, you can partly read the

words behind her in the first picture. Strange and scary.