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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

I'm getting ready to go to lunch with my daughter.


But I just had to come on and say it's wonderful, that I'm looking forward (for a change) to seeing Y&R.


I love what's going on between Sally, Tara and Phyllis.


This is more like the soaps of yesteryear...not a lot of teenage drama.


OK we have a little of the teenage junk....but I hope they keep it to a minimal amount.


Yea!  I'll be back.



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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

Did anyone else catch that lying Stitch said that he said that he got the

head chief position of the operating room?


Then the next day or so Nate was going crazy keeping Elena in suspense

and then they celebrated with champagne and dressed to the nines and 

he told her he got the position.


Stitch is behind all of this nonsense. So I guess Mariah just sits in that

room all day locked up. If the moron had any brains she would cry wolf

with some issue with the baby.


This whole Mariah storyline is complete garbage. I wish they would have

taken Tessa too and they permanently disappear. Would rather see them

go than Kyle and Summer.


What is Nina's purpose?  She does nothing too. All she does is walk

around and drink coffee and listen to everybody's problems.


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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

Ok, so I've been out of the loop with this show for some time. Last I watched Kyle had hooked up with Lola who had the food truck. What happened to her?  And what about Christine, who interestingly made it through law school in about a year and was a big shot lawyer in no time. Never liked her!

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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

I can't help but wonder what Stitch intends to do with Mariah and the baby?

It is crazy that no one thinks it's weird that Stitch just 'showed up'?

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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

[ Edited ]

@KKJ wrote:

Ok, so I've been out of the loop with this show for some time. Last I watched Kyle had hooked up with Lola who had the food truck. What happened to her?  And what about Christine, who interestingly made it through law school in about a year and was a big shot lawyer in no time. Never liked her!

@KKJ  It's a long story, but in a nutshell, Kyle married Summer to induce her to give up part of her liver because Lola needed a transplant and she was a match... They divorced, he married Lola... He and Lola both realized his heart would always belong to Summer, they divorced... Summer and Kyle's engagement has been off and on again a half dozen times for many trumped up reasons, the latest of which is his discovery of a child he fathered while he was living in NYC... Rumor has it that Summer and Kyle are being written out because neither could come to an agreement with management over a new contract... I don't know how they wrote Lola out because I stopped watching but I think she went back to Miami... As for Christine, neither she nor her husband Paul are seen much these days, which, if you ask me, is a blessing...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

Unfortunately I don't think Lola has been written out. She is

doing a Supergirl movie and is probably just away on a leave.


Wish it would be permanent because I never liked her from

the start....or her Miami family.

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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

It would be interesting if Lola started flirting with Kyle now that Summer is gone.


That might cause Tara to bend her nose out of shape....


Is it my imagination but is Tara wearing the same jumpsuit she recently wore?

Married to a billionaire and she wears the same thing within ...what...2 weeks?

Looks like things might heat up a little next week.  How far along was Mariah?  I guess he's going to deliver the baby and take him far away.


Then the xxxx show will fall back further into bla bla.

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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

@Annabellethecat66  I watched 'at it' while in the kitchen yesterday and when I saw Tara I thought "why is she wearing a neck brace?" (did Phyliss fight her Smiley Happy ) then realized it was that big bow. Smiley Happy

I love the glamour of the clothing and decor in a soap -- but couldn't they dress in casual clothes around thier homes ?

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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

[ Edited ]

@threecees wrote:

Unfortunately I don't think Lola has been written out. She is

doing a Supergirl movie and is probably just away on a leave.


Wish it would be permanent because I never liked her from

the start....or her Miami family.

Could be. Like I said, I stopped watching. I thought she took off for Miami to open another of her wonderful restaurants, but yea, she could always resurface. Never liked her. The only one of her family I found interesting was her wicked sister in law. I think her name was Mia. She was potentially interesting, but none of the rest of them were. Personally, I couldn't believe Lola got a movie deal. Never thought she was much of an actress, but I assume it was a right place at the right time kind of thing.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Young & Restless- July 2021/August 2021

@okaywitheasypay  The clothes used to be really neat.  Now a lot of them just look very out of place for an office.


How about Phyllis' dress with the slit way, way up near know?


I agree about Tara's jumpsuit.  The first thing your eye is drawn to is the big bow right at her neck.


I was just surprised she had on something that she'd just recently worn.  My memory isn't all that great these days so I knew if I remembered it, it was recently worn.


She's so pale...that white jumpsuit doesn't do her any favors.  When I look at it (and being white) I wonder if it had any dirt or yellow stains on it.  I can't imagine having to let it drop to the toilet floor to go to potty.