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Re: ?? Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS ??

@eddyandme wrote:

Does anyone think Jack's new love-interest will be Lauren?


IMHO they seemed a littletoo chummy when she brought him lunch the other day.

Yes and I can't stand another rip between her and Michael just like Lilly and Cane, give that scenario a rest Please!

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄

57431181_2155717281143241_6752151990513434624_n lola.jpg59350740_2155717367809899_318123249747623936_n summer.jpg


Hola and Summer at the 46th Creative Arts Emmys with soap guy Michael Fairman.

Actresses Sasha Calle and Hunter King.

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Re: ?? Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS ??

Like others, I'd like to see them leave Lauren and Michael as they are, only with perhaps a bit more in the way of story. It really is time for some of these older characters to become the 'senior statesmen' of the group and settle into real, long-term relationships, and, for the most part, leave the partner swapping and bed hopping to a younger generation of characters.  

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄

@threecees wrote:

57431181_2155717281143241_6752151990513434624_n lola.jpg59350740_2155717367809899_318123249747623936_n summer.jpg


Hola and Summer at the 46th Creative Arts Emmys with soap guy Michael Fairman.

Actresses Sasha Calle and Hunter King.

Yikes!  Hunter King looks like she has enough makeup on in that photo for 4 people!

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Re: ?? Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS ??

@threecees wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@threecees wrote:

I thought Sharon's tank and shorts set today was pj's that she slept in.

They showed her getting out of bed in them. Next, she and Rey were at the doctors office. I thought why is she still wearing that skimpy outfit?


Oh well that's our Sharon. Always has to show off her body in revealing 



Maybe Sharon should put out an All Points Bulletin on Faith?


Great, now our chef is doing interviews.She is so in demand. She hangs

out more outside the kitchen then making her wonderful, nutritional meals. 


Her mouth does more work talking nonsense about her fabulous and

perfect  night gossiping with childish teenybopper Abby.


I think Abby is writing a book on their lovelife. So many nosey questions.

What happened last night? Tell me all about it, and on and on. Laugh,laugh,

laugh. I wish Abby would grow up already, giddy immature fool.






How long have you been watching soaps, anyway?   Children have never been a major part of the storylines, as the restrictions and regulations on child actors are really a major PITA.   


Also, you must realize the actors don't determine the dialogue.   The writers write it, based on where the producers want the storylines to go.



@Tinkrbl44  Faith is a child actress but is also a big part of the show. She

is on and off alot but the same actress always returns. A mother should

at least mentioned that her daughter is staying with friends so she and 

Rey can go fool around and make it look like they are doing something


I've been watching soaps for many years. This one is just so mixed up.



Based on the time I've watched,  Faith's importance has dropped significantly.    With soap dialogue, every single second counts.  I see Victoria's kids on screen a lot more than Faith.


Speaking of kids,   whatever happened to the baby Cane had with what's her name?  If they don't want to waste precious seconds, they could leave a baby toy on the kitchen table as a reminder  .... or something.  

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Re: ?? Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS ??

@stevieb Yes!  You have the right idea (about the size and how to incorporate additional families).


I keep going back to the fact that (I assume (that's not always assume)) but anyway...I do....that these are young(er) people writing this soap.  I honestly believe they don't understand what us 'old-timers' know..."It's not the quantity but it is about the quality".  Right?


They can keep popping in and out these newbies (and even dangling a few 'oldies') in front of us and then yanking them away....but it doesn't make for good soap stories/viewing!


I think the writers were trying (not very well, though) to infect (good word) the show with what THEY thought would be good old fashioned romance (the scene between Kyle and his Smurfette on the roof).  Perhaps it might have been were between other characters and another time.


Look!  I'm getting tired (as is my pointer finger) of fast forwarding over so many conversations between so many of my most unfavorite (made-up word) characters.  But that pesky other side of my brain says, "Not to worry.  Nothing they say is intelligent nor does it influence the plot in any way.  These writers just interject this scene for 'filler'".


However, I must give full credit to all you wonderful people because were it not for your posts and spoilers, I would be left hanging (plot-wise).


Cane reminds me of someone that says good-bye to everyone at the party, then gets as far as the open door, walks back into the room and starts talking.  He does this over and over.  (Memo to Cane:  "Please!  Walk through that opened door and don't let it hit you as it shuts").  Also, take some of the other useless characters with you.


Phew!  I'm tired of using my few brain cells.

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄

@Javala wrote:





@Perkup  Oh come on, you remember how it was like in high school... click click!


When Victor in his younger days elevated those around him but now they don't have him as much to play off of, reveal how small they are with out him in the picture so much.

Guess I'm a little dense here.  Javala, could you please explain your comment about high school  .  click click?  Not sure what you mean. (just curious , not annoyed.)  I went to a girls high school - it was wonderful.

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄



Sam, Juliet and Cane's boy, is not even talked about anymore. I used to

see his name in alphabet letters on the fridge in Cane's kitchen, not sure

if it is still there. I didn't even hear Lily mention him during her short return



Not sure if the baby is needed. Looks like Cane will soon have a empty

house with twins finally graduating and leaving? Unless Tracey would be

involved with watching him, helping out, and bringing Cane and her closer.

Not sure if they will really be matched up. 

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄

Are you seated... Are you ready for this...


 Apparently Y&R won Emmy's for outstanding writing team and outstanding direction... Unbelievable... Since these are essentially for last year, that would mean that Mal and his cronies actually won an award for what they did to this show... More proof of my premise that the Daytime Emmy's have become completely superfluous and without value...

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Re: 💄💎 Y&R MAY 2019 SPOILERS 💎💄
