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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸


It's Friday, and big happening going on today , so, this only means one

thing.  INTERRUPTION  ! political or shooting or death of a prominent person.


Don't get too comfy on the couch 


"we interrupt this program to bring you this latest happening ".

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@SharkE wrote:


It's Friday, and big happening going on today , so, this only means one

thing.  INTERRUPTION  ! political or shooting or death of a prominent person.


Don't get too comfy on the couch 


"we interrupt this program to bring you this latest happening ".

No need to preempt this sucker for me anymore... I'm deleting it without watching more times than not... When I do 'watch', I'm fast forwarding through more than not... 

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Not that I really care because, let's face it, anything involving Devon, Ana and Tessa and her supposed career is a non-story... But still... Do tell... So when did Diminutive Devon get his PhD in Recording Studio Technology... Hmmmm... He's now assessed Ana as being 'green' but from what I recall, he couldn't even hear for much of his life, inherited millions but has never been trained in anything... So how is he an expert... Add to that, he brings in Theo to help school Ana... But I thought Theo was an 'influencer' so, prey tell, where and when did he too become a whiz within the music industry... This slop just gets worse and worse...


Since none of their other efforts have taken off... will we see the writers' desperate attempt for a mixed race couple come to fruition with Theo and Ana, two seriously minor characters... Abby and Dr. Nate are blessedly going nowhere fast... The value-added is that Summer goes into even more of a tailspin if Theo walks... Clearly, they're working on her having a crisis... We all thought it was coming when she first donated her liver (and yea, she still wants it back... and at the rate she's going, she's going to need it...) and Nate said she wasn't bouncing back as quickly as expected... Well, that more or less got dropped, probably in favor of playing that card down the road... Like now... Just in time to help Mama Celeste throw a monkey wrench into Eunuch Kyle's nuptials with the still dreadful Lolita... At least one hopes....



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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

So what is this nonsense of killing off Chelsea's husband on Day 1... For weeks, they've been talking about him joining the cast... You don't join a cast for one day, you're a day player, for heaven's sake... My guess is the mad men in charge of running this hot mess decided to bring on the seriously aged Gordon Thomson instead of the actor they'd previously hired and rather than look like the fools they are by simply recasting the role, decided to kill the character off and add yet another new character... Personally, I wish they'd left Chelsea, her trashy mother and her back story in hiding... 

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Stevie's back , I see.


Chelsea will be in Nick's bed and combining their kids by end of next week.

Maybe chelsea lucked out and he had a bad ticker. She's always landed on her feet or Anita put something in his cocoa. LOL

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Get rid of whining Ana and Elena. Now, Ana and that guy will end up getting down and Summer can whine she has lost yet another beau.


Devon is a bore. Do away with all 3 of those people. When they're on I check email or go to bathroom I could care less.


Ana should realize she has the inside tract to Devon by reason of 'kin'.

Theo, can't nudge her out completely.  Elena, would rather work her a** off

instead of hooking up Devon and reeling him in for a lifetime of luxury and never worrying about nothing financial ever again.


Only in the movies ROFL

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@SharkE wrote:

Get rid of whining Ana and Elena. Now, Ana and that guy will end up getting down and Summer can whine she has lost yet another beau.


Devon is a bore. Do away with all 3 of those people. When they're on I check email or go to bathroom I could care less.


Ana should realize she has the inside tract to Devon by reason of 'kin'.

Theo, can't nudge her out completely.  Elena, would rather work her a** off

instead of hooking up Devon and reeling him in for a lifetime of luxury and never worrying about nothing financial ever again.


Only in the movies ROFL

What they need to do is keep Elena, hook her up with Nate and get rid of Devon and Ana altogether. Devon has never added any interest to this show and he's just geeky... Ana's been so peripheral for so long no one would even notice (or miss her) if they slipped her out the door once and for all... This entire music themed supposed story line has been a snooze-fest since its inception. It's boring and nobody cares.

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

S*** Tessa can't even sing worthy enough to sell music.

They all act like she is Celine or something. She's good enough for

church, singing to the old folks at the nursing homes and amateur night down at the sports bar, but, who would shell out money for her


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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

@SharkE wrote:

S*** Tessa can't even sing worthy enough to sell music.

They all act like she is Celine or something. She's good enough for

church, singing to the old folks at the nursing homes and amateur night down at the sports bar, but, who would shell out money for her


Not me... Woman Very Happy

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Re: 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Y&R JULY 2019 SPOILERS! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

[ Edited ]

So Billy and Vicky go to the carnival. No kids?

Can't they give any of these folks anything to eat other

than the same pink cotton candy? Soft pretzels???


Is Chloe gone? Too bad Billy didn't turn around after

shooting the guns and see her again. Better yet Adam.