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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

[ Edited ]

Tessa can go... but I hope Tanner stays... I was Googling him... Oh my does that man have a body... They should have cast someone like him as Chance... This soap so did not need another average type man...



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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

Summary for Wednesday, January 8th from

At Jabot, Lola appears with a cake and Jack and Summer yell, “Surprise!” Summer presents Kyle with a framed photo of them as kids. Jack has a hockey autograph coming. Kyle thanks them and is about to make a wish when Theo enters. He’s not upset at being excluded and has a gift for Kyle – the latest social media numbers are through the roof. Jack’s pleased and Kyle snarks it’s the best gift ever. Lola pulls Kyle outside and points out she let it go when Summer’s gift bothered her – she suggests he do the same with Theo. Kyle kisses her goodbye. He re-enters the office as Theo admires the photo of Kyle and Summer.


At Grand Phoenix, Chloe chides that Billy’s back to being the man they all know and love. He thinks, “Which Billy is that? Which Billy do you want me to be this time?” They sit and Chloe tells Billy that Delia’s going to have a new baby brother or sister. Billy congratulates her and wonders about her secret to being so happy. Chloe admits she still sometimes cries herself to sleep and asks if everything’s okay with him. Billy feels he’s a work in progress. Chelsea appears and Chloe goes to her. Billy starts to text Victoria, but deletes it and contacts Amanda instead. At the bar, Chelsea hugs Chloe upon learning she’s pregnant and says she also has news. Chloe guesses she and Nick are getting married, but Chelsea relays they’ve split – she and Adam are giving it another shot. Chloe’s stunned – he has broken her heart more than once! Chelsea insists Adam has changed but Chloe argues he hasn’t and is a sociopath. She calls Billy over to talk sense into her. Billy speaks to Chelsea alone. She explains the pull between them despite the dark history. Billy feels it’s her life, she gets to choose how to live it. After, Chloe’s disappointed at Billy’s approach and complains Chelsea’s ‘truth’ is insanely wrong. He says insanity’s overrated.


At Society, Abby informs Elena her takeout order’s been canceled then gestures to Devon, who has set up a real date in the dining room. They hold hands and talk about Sasha and Joy settling into the apartment thanks to New Hope. Elena has an idea how to help more but doesn’t want to overstep. Devon encourages her to share. Elena talks about putting a clinic in the building for the residents. Devon loves it. When Elena takes a call, Abby joins Devon, who reports they haven’t found Colin and don’t know why Amanda’s stayed in town. Abby shrugs; she’s been a model guest. She questions if Cane should be the one investigating his father. Devon has the feds and Interpol involved. Abby mentions Chance and divulges they’re dating; he’s starting a Genoa City security firm. Elena rejoins Devon, who has another great idea. He calls Chance to offer him a job keeping tabs on Amanda Sinclair.


At the ranch, Victor’s disappointed Adam didn’t bring Connor to visit. What Adam has to discuss may not be suitable for him to hear. Victor knows Chelsea and Nick split up and guesses she’s going back to Adam, who confirms he has his family back. Victor muses about her history of rebounding but Adam insists she chose him a long time ago. Victor wonders at his lack of humility. Adam is there to discuss Connor – he wants him to have a good relationship with Victor but wants to ensure they’re not excluded from holidays. Victor reminds him he pulled strings to have Connor readmitted to Walnut Grove. Adam responds they’re exploring other options. Victor asks about Chelsea being stable – she’s a con artist and thief. Adam warns him to stop. Victor maintains Chelsea is who she is and will do what she’s always done. Adam will break every rule in the book to protect his family – he learned that from him. Victor smirks, “Good luck, my boy.”


At the penthouse, Adam updates Chelsea on Victor including them in Newman events – it was good.


Next on The Young and the Restless:


Phyllis opens up to Nick.

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

There goes the peace for the elder Newmans. Nick can start sitting this one out for all occasions.  I'd let those psychos celebrate by themselves and not force Nick to have to feel uncomfortable at his own parents house.

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

@stevieb wrote:

Tessa can go... but I hope Tanner stays... I was Googling him... Oh my does that man have a body... They should have cast someone like him as Chance... This soap so did not need another average type man...



Yes, hope this one sticks around.  I've always had a soft spot for blonds.Woman Very HappyWoman Wink

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

I'm catching up this evening.  I was just thinking as Victoria is leaving for a business trip that it would be 'interesting' if Billy invited the lawyer "Hoochie" over and they did the deed in Victoria and Billy's house.


Then she finds an earring that she knew wasn't her's.


Then a friend says something about Billy and her (Victoria) having company and bla bla.


Now that's the way soaps used to be written instead of some of this bla know conversations where you fast forward and feel like "who cares".


I think we're getting ready to see Sharon go through a hard time with the lump in her breast.  I'll never understand why she wouldn't want someone to help her go through it (i.e. mother, sister, husband, etc).


I guess this is more is a soap..after all.


I don't mind this coming into the soap as maybe it would help educate women about the importance of checking themselves.


I had a huge lump removed when I was younger.  The Dr was pretty sure it wasn't cancer and it wasn't.  But I have a very large scar from it.


The scar doesn't bother me.  It is a kind of reassurance to me that I'm not afraid of anything.


You know something like...if you find something and you think something is wrong...check it out and move on.

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

@SharkE wrote:

There goes the peace for the elder Newmans. Nick can start sitting this one out for all occasions.  I'd let those psychos celebrate by themselves and not force Nick to have to feel uncomfortable at his own parents house.

Oh please, pobrecito Numbnutz... Let him go fly a kite...

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

snowmanthrowing.gif LOL

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

I don't see how Abby can make a go of that restaurant... They close it at the drop of a hot for private celebrations... Besides, who the heck wants to celebrate their birthday in a closed restaurant... An intimate little dinner for two in a closed cavernous restaurant is a bit of an oxymoron... 


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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

@stevieb wrote:

I don't see how Abby can make a go of that restaurant... They close it at the drop of a hot for private celebrations... Besides, who the heck wants to celebrate their birthday in a closed restaurant... An intimate little dinner for two in a closed cavernous restaurant is a bit of an oxymoron... 


Yeah, at least way back when, during when they had the uber ritzy Colonnade Room, they had the private dining room with Pierre (or was it Jacques?) the waiter, where the Newmans & Abbotts had their fancy dinners & the whole restaurant didn't close down.

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Re: 👠💍 Y&R JANUARY 2020 w/SPOILERS 💍👠

[ Edited ]

I really am just so tired of Billy... I don't even want to see him anymore... What do they think this totally pointless, utterly weak man is bringing to this show... I don't care if he sleeps with Amanda... I don't care what he does... Every minute he's on is just so much wasted time...


I've also had enough of Theo and Summer snarking at each other... They need to get off the pot with that relationship and with whatever is or is not going on between the two of them and the Kyle and Lola duo... And they also need to come clean with whatever is the real problem between Theo and Kyle... It's all just moving way too slowly and isn't worth the time they spend on it... The truth is, I'm not at all invested in either couple or whether they remain couples... I thought Theo might be a good addition to the show, but so far, he's just a step up from being almost as dull as Rey... These writers have so many things going, none of which are all that fascinating, but there's so little forward motion the story lines, such as they are, just become more and more stagnant.


I do like Tanner... What a head of hair that guy has... He could possibly prove to be an interesting character if they keep him around... Odds are they won't because that might actually be a smart move...


And just what IS Amanda's trip? She's now been around for months and there's still no clue as to her story... Something else they need to move along...


This show takes one step forward and three steps backward... They finally have something going with Adam and Chelsea, but it took forever and meanwhile, nothing else is happening, yet they introduce yet another story line with Sharon's illness... Every time it seems like these writers might be getting any kind of grip on what they're doing, it somehow manages to escape them... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...