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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Oh yeah, so Marisa gave a daughter up for adoption. So she’s moving in with Luca until Noah finds the girl …. Dylan and Noah reluctantly go along with Sharon’s new no-visitor order (while Dr A continues to turn her into a zombie) …. As Dr Nevell begins to treat , Lily makes a shocking discovery – a gym bag full of money (which she immediately takes to Dylan and identifies as Cane’s)


Next: Dylan questions Lily – If you really think that’s so impossible, why didn’t you go to Cane for the truth – why did you come to me?? … Kevin confronts his brother at the club – Nice job Mike. Thanks to you Delia’s killer’s ruining our lives all over again…. Victor frowns at Adam – You won’t leave town before the trial? Give me the word.

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Posts: 560
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

What is with Dr. Anderson?? Do you know anything about where this story is going?

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Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Thanks java.  I like to read the comments because they're all the things we've wondered.


I'm just thinking out loud but two reasons Cane has the money could be: 1) He thought Devon wouldn't look guilty to the law or 2) He kept from Lilly how poor they are.


I wondered about the Dr who was so wonderful with the other coma (what is it about these writers and comas?  Easy I guess.


These story lines just go on forever.  Someone on General Hospital was talking about some of their story lines (like Jake) going on forever.  How about us here at Y&R?  Then just to wrap them up they have the actors do something totally stupid and out of character.


I remember when soap actors (the characters) had personalities and you had some kind of idea of what we (the viewer) could expect from them.  That isn't true anymore.  We all know it's because they've hired all of these young actors who haven't even taken the time to read up on past story lines or at least get to know the characters.  It must be frustrating for the actors.


I am sooooo tired of this Adam/Delia story line.  Now it's going to go on forever because Adam's busy with Dad Dad's stuff.


Once again, Victor is getting away with every dirty deed he's ever done.  If he were my Father, I'll be darned if I'd believe anything that man says!  So what does Noah do?  He goes to Grandpa to help him, knowing full well what he just did to Jack for all of that time!


Why?  Oh! Why?  Do we soap lovers have to suffer like this?  It's getting to the point that our soaps are now becoming the laughing stock they've always been accused of being (and we could at least justify watching them somewhat).  Now?  Hummmmm???  Thank goodness I've got you guys.  Come to think of it we only have a few soaps left.  


They took our soaps off to put Dr shows on, now they're putting all of those stupid shows like "The Talk" on.  

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Posts: 2,738
Registered: ‎03-15-2011

I used to care about some of the characters on Y&R like Cane when they killed him off on the church steps Chelsea and Adam, even Sharon and Adam, but they have brought in these new characters I dont care about at all. Sage, Luca, Lucas wife. Also the story lines have gone on way toooo long. Hilliary at the boat house with Neil. I mean after 2 months with no food she would be looking really bad by now. Sharon not being pregnant she would be showing by now. I hope they wrap up these story lines soon. 

Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I agree about everything the last poster said.  We (as soap fans) are used to suspending reality to some degree.  However, also as soap fans we are good judges when something is going on waayyy too long (time to wrap up the story lines).


As a soap fan (from many years ago) I worry that the few soaps left on daytime TV are going to disappear because the writing is so terrible, even the most ardent fans are frustrated and losing interest.


As the previous poster said (and myself and other's feel) it is becoming extremely difficult to find any redeeming qualities in any of the characters on Y&R and B&B. 


Phew!  Can you tell I'm frustrated too?  Oh!  One more thing?  Where in the world did this Dr come from?  He's willing to perform experiments on this woman that he knows "everyone is looking for".....because he has an ego the size of Montana.  But wait!  If he brings her back from the brink of death (or whatever it is) who is going to know it?  It's not like records are being kept so that he can prove what he's done....