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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

Suppose the leader of the group ( forgot his name) has met up with the guy from his past “he would do anything for” & that guy is Tanya’s husband? Hmmm
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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

Suppose the leader of the group ( forgot his name) has met up with the guy from his past “he would do anything for” & that guy is Tanya’s husband? Hmmm

Well, that would be an interesting turn! Can't wait to see how this plays out.

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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

I go back to the 1st episode this season. There's something weird to me about Daphne, Cameron's wife. Such an over the top effort to talk to the American women relaxing on the beach. Could it be for an alibi, while the murder she planned is taking place?


That story about her nearly fatal childbirth, all while dealing with the knowledge of a husband, Cameron, that frequently cheats. What woman smiles through all of that unless she has something going on? Why can't Cameron pay Lucia her money? I thought he was wealthy. Does Daphne control the money?


Looking forward to all the loose ends!

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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

@Caaareful Shopperwrote:

I go back to the 1st episode this season. There's something weird to me about Daphne, Cameron's wife. Such an over the top effort to talk to the American women relaxing on the beach. Could it be for an alibi, while the murder she planned is taking place?


That story about her nearly fatal childbirth, all while dealing with the knowledge of a husband, Cameron, that frequently cheats. What woman smiles through all of that unless she has something going on? Why can't Cameron pay Lucia her money? I thought he was wealthy. Does Daphne control the money?


Looking forward to all the loose ends!

@Caaareful Shopper- I always thought there was something fishy about Cameron & Daphne. I don't think they are as rich as they seem & I think Harper's husband is one of these brilliant but naive geeks who is newly rich. Maybe cameron planned to extort money from him if he was in a compromising situation with the prostitute but he didn't do anything wrong. Or maybe he plans to have him invest in an unsavory venture or Ponzi scheme. No one is what they seem in this season's story except for Tonya. Tonya who appears very superficial is really a kind & sensitive person deep down but just lonely & naive.

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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

Shawn mentioned last nighjt on the Q that she has been watching this.

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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

I didn't notice there was a camera filming Tanya and her lover , also the picture of her husband on the dresser , i would have never caught it , but others noticed it on the internet , her husband will sue her for infidelity , love the show , but Tanya was so stupid to snort all of that cocaine.
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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

My theory is that there are cameras in all the Greek busts that seem to be everywhere; bet they are part of the plot line.

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Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

[ Edited ]

I don't believe Alessio is threatening Portia.  I think that's a set up.  I also feel like Greg is setting Tanya up.  As soon as he leaves, she meets that group.

I don't know who's going to die.  I change my mind every episode.

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Registered: ‎04-20-2013

Re: White Lotus , latest episode , spoiler alert.

I think Daphne took Harper to Noto to get her out of the way & Cameron was setting up Harper’s husband & planned to extort money. I don’t think they are really as rich as they claim.

I think Tanya’s husband was the ex lover of the gent who owns the Villa.

Portia knows something is up & Tanya knows too after seeing the picture. I think they plan to kill her but will Portia save her?

The prostitutes I’ve not figured out

Who dies?