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First I must state I have watched every episode since it's debut maybe 5 years ago. I use to really like the show but now watch more out of habit and also wanting to see how it will all end. I thought last night's episode was just awful! It seems to be the Rachel show with the others having minor roles. I really feel it should have been cancelled 2 years ago. The fact that they only fimed 13 episodes and put it on Friday night and so much later in the season speaks volumes. I know that I don't have to watch but I am stubborn and must see things to the end!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I stopped watching it for all of last year. I didn't like the stories and I couldn't stand the new people they put on the show.

I watched it again this week and thought it was pretty good. I thought it was STUPID (sorry but it was really stupid) the way they made Sue Sylvester be so mean (with dogs patrolling the hallways?).

I will watch it one more time but if they don't mellow out Sue, I'm gone for good.

I enjoy the music and the way they send a message to the underdog. I don't care for the s,e-x, ual subject matters. However, I understand young people are dealing with some of these issues and maybe it will help a few of them. I'm willing to give it SOME freeway.

I know I wouldn't let my pre-teen look at it. I don't know their target audience.

I wish they could just sing and dance like they did the first one or two seasons.

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Registered: ‎03-22-2010

I quit watching when Rachel left for NY....

I could see the handwriting on the wall....

Does everyone know that this is the last season?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Yes, it definitely is advertised as the last season. I keep reading where the original writers have said they'd go back to some of the basics of the earlier shows.

I think they forgot who their fan base was. Maybe it would be more accurate to say they were trying to appeal to all fan bases. With the way the world is these days, that's way too difficult. Wait! I'll back up again. I guess what I mean to say is that they could appeal to all fan bases as long as they don't delve deeply into some of the subject matter, i.e. I'm not interested in some of their subjects, not judging, just find it boring.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I'll watch it till the bitter end which is saying something considering how bad seasons 4 and 5 were. The show on Friday was a real disappointment. Would it have killed them to take 5 minutes to update us on what the original cast members are up to rather than just have them turn up, sing, and leave?

Fortēs fortūna adjuvat
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I stopped watching last year!!! Sue acting as a principal was the last straw for me. JUST PLAIN OLD STUPID!!!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I think I only actively watched the 1st two seasons (although I actually did really like "The Glee Project"!) I did try to watch episodes off and on and have sort of kept up somewhat; watched a few of the NY season. I may watch this final season - well, as long as my DVR tapes it (is last on my list as of now).

I think it is now/then just so...stupid. Highly unbelievable. But, it's fantasy and TV and some things can be forgiven. But, when Sue closed the Glee club, it just seemed like it was so against everything the show stood for - that the bullys won. Now, it's obvious it was done so Ryan Murphy could have his storybook ending. But, it's not MY ending - I want Rachel to be a success (not to give up her dream and burn her bridges), I want Kurt not to pine for Blaine and be a success in FASHION not on the stage (I really really really do not want them to get back together, but go out on their own and just be friends). I want their success to show that bullys don't win and that the arts are important that way. It's just stupid that so many of the kids return home after actually being a success (Blaine and the model/stripper) in NYC. Ryan Murphy turned them back into being losers.

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Registered: ‎08-12-2010

I've watched from the start and will continue to the end. It's the music I watch for, but do like some of the writing and its social commentary and satire. But I sometimes cringe at some of the meanness shown, especially when it comes to Sue. Wish that could be toned down. Also wonder how many more slushies we have to see thrown in faces.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I love the music too. I have also watched it from the beginning. I'm hoping they go back more to the early episodes.

I will also watch it.

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Posts: 30,248
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Kind of O/T but did any of you realize Chris Colfer from Glee writes books for young pre-teens?

My granddaughter has read all of his books. She goes to a school for gifted kids. Her teacher had them on the reading list a few years ago.