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Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Not much to spoil again. Holly still seems headed for the door. Nicole and Cliff have made a deal with Tommy for the three of them to target Jackson. Not really sure Tommy will hold true to that deal but we'll see. There's still a massive online debate among the fans as to who to vote out with about a fifty-fifty split. If you keep Tommy you risk him getting to the final two and winning easily while Holly is much less of a threat to win. If you keep the couple together your odds of winning POV and evicting Jackson are much worse. There truly is no "best" answer. I think a final three of Holly, Cliff, and Nicole is best for Cliff and Nicole, but by voting out Holly they eliminate that option.


The houseguests are bored to tears and resorted to dyeing eggs yesterday for something to do. These last few weeks are kind of torture to the houseguests as the game is largely played out and everyone's more or less killing time until the finale.


We have a show tonight! On tonight's show, we'll see the aftermath of the nominations, the POV comp, the BB Comics, and Nicole blitzing the comp in record time. We'll then see her save Cliff, as Holly assumes Cliff's spot opposite Tommy. Then tomorrow night we'll finally get an answer as to who stays and who goes. It looks like Holly goes, but who knows?

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

When is the actual finale?


I agree with you @gardenman , we're at the point in the season where everyone is bored.  Including us.

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@DrKelli wrote:

When is the actual finale?


I agree with you @gardenman , we're at the point in the season where everyone is bored.  Including us.

The finale is two weeks from today on the 25th. Survivor debuts then also. One of the two is likely to be a two-hour special, I'm just not sure which one. (Maybe each will be ninety minutes?)


BB typically has a fast-forward elimination near the end to get from four to three, but unless they're planning to go from three to two heading into the finale, it won't be necessary this year. We'll be down to four on the 12th, three on the 19th and then on track for the finale with the final three on the 25th. The show on the nineteenth typically ends with the start of the final three-part HOH comp. Then on Saturday the 21st they'll do part two, then part three (the scales) on Wednesday on the live show. The Sunday show on the 22nd will be their typical champagne breakfast recap show where they wander the house "remembering" whatever it is BB tells them to remember, even if they weren't involved or knew anything of it. That's when CBS gets the unused clips out of their system.


These are kind of the dog days of Big Brother. Everything just seems to slow down and nothing ever changes. The players all kind of know who they want in the final three and final two and the dead time between comps is really dead.  

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Once Jackson won the HOH comp, I had a fear that Holly would somehow end up leaving.  Jackson was so positive that him and Holly would be safe.  

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The debate rages on! Supposedly Tommy is going to come clean today and reveal to Nicole and Cliff that he and Christie had a relationship prior to coming into the house. He says he wants to be completely transparent with them which is code for he wants to tell them before Holly gets the chance.


I was thinking about the jury and I wonder about how the votes would fall. Certainly it seems like Jack and Christie would vote for Tommy but would Kat? Tommy's the one who put her up and had her evicted but more than that he was ruthless toward her on day 44 saying they couldn't keep someone in the house who had a prior relationship meaning Kat and Holly. How will Kat feel when she finds out their slight relationship was negligible compared to what Tommy had going on yet he made such a big deal about it? She may just decide to vote for Nicole over Tommy and Jess would surely follow her lead. 


There was also a discussion in the chatroom (loosely defined as it's mostly comments like "if Nicole keeps *fill in the blank* she's an idiot." And those are the nice comments, lol) but the discussion was that Tommy should stay in the game and Nicole doesn't  deserve to be there as she's done nothing all season. I was thinking about that and, to me, Nicole has been strategizing with Cliff since day 2 of the season. Tommy had the luxury of a nine person alliance to hide behind. It's a whole lot easier to stay in the game as part a big alliance than to stay as part of duo especially when that duo isn't in power. I also started thinking about what Tommy has for his resume. Is that he won an hoh, two vetos and with those he got Kat out and saved Christie? I can't think of anything else he's done and those aren't what I would call major accomplishments. Nicole, on the other hand, has won one hoh and one veto and is responsible for breaking up two power couples--that is if they decide to evict Holly on Thursday.


I just noticed the whole premise of my post is based on a F2 with Nicole and Tommy. I do realize it's possible the F2 could be two completely different people but for some reason much of the talk is centered around these two. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the F2 will not include Tommy. I guess I feel like some do about Nicole in that he hasn't really done much all season and to win because all of your allies got voted out seems like an undeserving win. Anyway, that's my 2 cents for what it's worth. 

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The houseguests got up early this morning and had a service, so to speak, in memory of 9-11. I'm just starting to watch it but it's nice they did this. It seems like they're going down the line and each person is saying where they were and how it affected them. It's interesting to think that in 2001 Nicole and Jackson were only six years old. 

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

You never really know what a jury will do in BB. Jess and Kat are wildcards. Jack said he'd vote for the best player. Christie had a ton of influence in the house, does she retain that influence in the jury? Who would Nick vote for? Nicole or Tommy? Analyse will likely do whatever Jack does. It's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

There's an Instagram post from Jess where she's asked what her biggest regret is, and she says not voting out Nicole because Nicole was a mole. It appears Jess is even dumber than we all thought.

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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



 WITH CHRISTY, THE FEEDS KEPT GOING AWAY TO OTHER UNIMPORTANT SCENES ,right when things were getting good, and I think when Cliff was going to tell Tommy about knowing about it,the camera went to another room. That is so wrong,we are paying for the feeds and they don't let us see the real important scenes ,that makes me a little sad [mad].sorry about my writing today,Tucka.


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Re: Wednesday 9/11/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yeah, BB likes to save the "good stuff" for the show. It gets annoying. 

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