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Victoria Season 3 coming back

On January 13, 2019   season 3 begins in 1848, as Europe is in chaos with revolutions and demonstrations, and Victoria and Albert worry revolt will come to England. Creator Daisy Goodwin promises Albert will be in full season, meaning it ends before 1861.  


9 Children.  There are going to be a LOT of kids.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Victoria Season 3 coming back

Thanks for the info.  Given the timetable of the season's storyline, sadly, the producers  will have to include the death of Prince Albert Woman Sad.

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Posts: 9,967
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Victoria Season 3 coming back

@Trix wrote:

Thanks for the info.  Given the timetable of the season's storyline, sadly, the producers  will have to include the death of Prince Albert Woman Sad.

Depends on historical year this episode ends.  My understaning is that Albert won't be knocked off till a few more series to come.   On the brighter side Jenna Coleman (Victoria) and Tom Hughes are still a couple off screen.


Image result for jenna coleman tom hughes