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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

People just need to mind their own business!

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@manny2 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

I'm laughing at people writing nastiness in their posts condemning @agb80  for being nasty in her post.  More "do as I say, not as I do" behavior. 

@PearleePoster's are not attacking @agb80 they are reacting to her insensitive ignorant post. There is a difference.

@manny2. You are mincing words. The posters criticizing her are being equally mean as their accusations of her being mean.  I don't want to go back and forth with you on this. That is my position.

When I see anyone being mean or hurtful to others, I speak up. They deserve to be called out.  They should be ashamed.


Then along come some people like yourself who call out the people who are trying to stop the hurtful comments by protecting the offender.  Maybe you think we should all just mind our own business and let everyone say what they want...even it it is hurtful.


It is not mean to call out a person who is being rude, offensive or aggressively nasty to others. We have certain expectations of people who live in a civilized society. Going rogue with comments that are intentionally hurtful will get you called out.


I think a certain poster knows this and is baiting us to get a reaction.  

I guess I personally think it's possible to suggest to someone that they're being inconsiderate, insensitive, uncaring... without also being inconsiderate, insensitive, uncaring... When one responds 'in kind' there's really no difference simply because one might have the more pure motive... The behavior is still rude, no matter how kind the intention might have been... Mean is mean, rude is rude, and insensitive is insensitive...


As far as it goes, I don't follow Valerie, but having taken the time to view her video, it appears a single person, who she calls out, indicated she needs to lose weight... Not nice, perhaps, but it would simply not appear this was an entire army of 'trolls' hurling a multiplicity of graphic insults her way about being 'fat', as reading this thread might lead one to believe... 

@stevieb  Thank you. You first paragraph is exactly what my point is. Too bad others don't see it.

@Pearlee @stevieb 


Oh please!  There is a huge difference when we read posts calling VB a cry baby, humiliating herself, etc. etc. etc..  Exact words with a few others.


An opinion is one thing.  An insult is different.


Commenting on VB's video in terms of disagreeing with what she did is one thing.


Commenting on VB's video  with insults is not necessary.


The poster in question could have simply said she didn't feel the video  was helpful and that VB could do better by ignoring the trolls.


Instead, she started a crusade to insult VB and that was the goal-not to comment on the video but to insult VB and garner attention.


"Too bad others don't see it".

@Cakers3Your post is perfection. It says all the right stuff!

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Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@gertrudecloset Valerie is real and also does a wonderful job on her food network show.  The only one who has the right to be a critic is our creator and we would all do well to remember that!  We could all do a better job of lifting one another up, period.

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Registered: ‎02-13-2021

Re: Valerie Bertinelli and the trolls........

@Boomernichols wrote:

@gertrudecloset Valerie is real and also does a wonderful job on her food network show.  The only one who has the right to be a critic is our creator and we would all do well to remember that!  We could all do a better job of lifting one another up, period.

You don't see any comments one way or anothr from me do you @Boomernichols

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