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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@gardenman wrote:


@lovescats wrote:

Is Becky not on board with the plan to vote out shelli?  At first I thought why do that but then shelli probably is the better player.  But becky wouldn't want her plan changed especially if she gave a long explanation because that could be hard to backtrack.   It seems like James and Jackie have a better vision of what to do on that side.

Becky really wants Vanessa out. She's worked with Shelli in the very recent past and still has a good relationship with her, so she doesn't think Shelli will come after her immediately. James knows that Shelli wants him dead (and not just in the game sense, but literally dead) so he's a tad more interested in getting Shelli out over Vanessa. The challenge James, Meg, and Jackie have is in getting the votes to keep Vanessa and vote out Shelli.


Becky has swept up John and Steve (more or less) and their votes are kind of critical here. Austin and the twins are wildcards. If they vote to keep Vanessa, she stays (assuming James, Jackie, and Meg vote to keep her too.) The problem is that James, Jackie and Meg have no clue how the house is really allied right now or how Austin and the twins will vote. 


James is wanting to talk to Vanessa to see what she'll say, but he's not sure if she'll tell him the truth. He knows he's a big target for Shelli and if Vanessa can give him some security, then she's safer for his game.

Well there is still a day so maybe things will change again.  I think I saw  james saying to Jackie that if she (shelli) stays she could play for both HOHs.   and before that I saw steve telling John that he wanted to vote for vanessa I guess out of loyalty  since one vote wasn't going to matter but he was going to go to shelli and tell her first and john told him thats on you if you do that.   I would just like to see shelli completely surprised.

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Realityblurred has a little interview with Julie where she said they dropped the weekly BB Takeover Twists because there was too much going on.  Maybe they really are tweaking the show, maybe it's true for the twists and the BOTB.


I love looking at the Jokers HG Ratings, all those yucky Austins in a row heehee.  Is there a certain day/time he's going to cut his beardy-tail?    (which is far grosser than a half gopher).


Tucka, carpet is just not good for my health.  And mom fell on the carpet and broke her wrist three years ago so it isn't like the carpet broke her fall or I probably would go with that.

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@LoriLori wrote:

Realityblurred has a little interview with Julie where she said they dropped the weekly BB Takeover Twists because there was too much going on.  Maybe they really are tweaking the show, maybe it's true for the twists and the BOTB.


I love looking at the Jokers HG Ratings, all those yucky Austins in a row heehee.  Is there a certain day/time he's going to cut his beardy-tail?    (which is far grosser than a half gopher).


Tucka, carpet is just not good for my health.  And mom fell on the carpet and broke her wrist three years ago so it isn't like the carpet broke her fall or I probably would go with that.

@LoriLori wrote:

Realityblurred has a little interview with Julie where she said they dropped the weekly BB Takeover Twists because there was too much going on.  Maybe they really are tweaking the show, maybe it's true for the twists and the BOTB.


I love looking at the Jokers HG Ratings, all those yucky Austins in a row heehee.  Is there a certain day/time he's going to cut his beardy-tail?    (which is far grosser than a half gopher).


Tucka, carpet is just not good for my health.  And mom fell on the carpet and broke her wrist three years ago so it isn't like the carpet broke her fall or I probably would go with that.


I read that interview with Julie. She said that with the twin twist and the natural game that things were going so well they didn't need the twists.

Austin will reportedly trim his beard on Thursday. That's the only day they let the houseguests change their appearance.

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman since you mention twitter I went looked there and Clay has a link to a site called wetpaint and I think clay is backing out of any romance he said he promised her "a" date and in response to engagement--- that's a long ways away if it would ever happen.  

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

alert  vanessa and james were going to talk.   She said she needed about 10 minutes then becky came up to get a picture with vanessa

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

James and Austin are chatting in the hammock now and they're comparing notes and agree that they want to vote together for six votes. That way Steve and John don't matter. James is trying to steer Austin towards Vanessa, but I'm not sure it's sinking in to Austin. Neither one seems willing to say, "Hey, I'm voting this way and I'd like you to do the same." 

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman, I have been a watcher of Big Brother since day one, read your entries daily, but  seldom post. I adore your sense of humor. You have a very unique way of expressing yourself.


First I wanted to commend you on the fabulous job you are doing taking care of your Mom. You're a wonderful son and your Mom is lucky to have you.Taking care of one's parents is rewarding, but it can be very stressful. My sister and I took care of our Mom for many years.


One question: I really liked Derrick form last season, thought he was a fabulous player. How do you think he would fit into this group? Do you think he could play the same type of game that he played last year?


Thank you.



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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And James finally gets around to the point and says he knows that if Shelli stays and wins HOH she'll come after him. Austin agrees. James says she'd put up Jackie or Meg against him and Austin agrees. James says and if he won POV and saved himself Jackie would likely go home. He really wants to keep Jackie and Meg safe.


Austin says they're in the same spot trying to protect their women. He's still worried that Vanessa could come after him since she was ready to backdoor him a couple of weeks ago.


I think we're getting closer to saving Vanessa, and booting Shelli. Each seems to be waiting for the other guy to say, "Let's keep Vanessa."

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@SoozieQ2 wrote:

Gardenman, I have been a watcher of Big Brother since day one, read your entries daily, but  seldom post. I adore your sense of humor. You have a very unique way of expressing yourself.


First I wanted to commend you on the fabulous job you are doing taking care of your Mom. You're a wonderful son and your Mom is lucky to have you.Taking care of one's parents is rewarding, but it can be very stressful. My sister and I took care of our Mom for many years.


One question: I really liked Derrick form last season, thought he was a fabulous player. How do you think he would fit into this group? Do you think he could play the same type of game that he played last year?


Thank you.




Derrick would have a very hard time playing his game with Shelli and Vanessa. They're serious Alpha females who would likely have had him up and out in week two or three. Each cast is unique and this cast would not be nearly as easily manipulated by Derrick. There would be a massive early scramble between Vanessa, Shelli and Derrick to get each other out. It would be entertaining to watch, but he couldn't control this group nearly as easily.

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Re: Tuesday 8/11/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It makes sense to get Shelli out first and then try to win HOH and go after Vanessa. Shelli is more likely to win HOH and put up James, Jackie or Meg. Vanessa will most likely go after Becky and maybe John or Steve (unless they still have each other's back).