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Registered: ‎06-08-2016

To the Lake, series on Netflix

I'm into dystopian, apocalypse type movies so I looked this one up.  It's Russian, much of it is in English, but when it's not, there's subtitles.


Terrible killer virus in Moscow so people are fleeing the city.   This particular group is headed for an island in the middle of the lake.  The story is about their journey.


It's thrilling, can be suspenseful at times.   The group is varied, women, children, men of all ages & how they survive.


The only negative that struck me there was more nudity than I expected.   There was violence but not gore for the sake of gore.  


If this topic is of interest to you, you will probably enjoy this series.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 797
Registered: ‎07-06-2016

Re: To the Lake, series on Netflix


I agree. I watched this series earlier this year and enjoyed it very much. The nudity didn't bother me though.

I'm hoping for another season...
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Registered: ‎04-18-2010

Re: To the Lake, series on Netflix

thanks for the recommendation!  sounds interesting.