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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Christie needs to check in to a mental health facilitiy and find out why she cries almost

all day every day. It seems serious to me.


I can't stand watching her. 


It makes me turn off the show. 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.  Good grief.  I was gone since Monday and came home to this today and couldn't believe it.  Didn't take my laptop but did borrow friends to read a bit on here.  Hopefully, this will make things more interesting because this season needs some action.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Starting late yesterday afternoon you could see things starting to develop. Holly was worried they might be making a mistake. Christie then started her campaign and tried to sell Cliff on the idea that he needed to keep her to take out Jackson. Cliff frankly told her that approach wouldn't work and guided her to a better path. Then Analyse refused to say she wouldn't put up Holly and Jackson. It just all fell into place and what had seemed impossible was a done deal.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It's show time! Julie teases the flip while wearing a white top with black fringe and black pants. Her hair looks a bit thunderstruck tonight which is a different look for her. We see the normal recap. and now the normal opening. A new HOH will be crowned, so no endurance comp. Uh oh! A new twist will be unleashed called Prank Week that will affect the HOH and the power of the HOH. now we Jackson talking about Christie being evicted right after the POV meeting and we hear Christie talking about turning the house against Jackson. Cliff and Jackson talk about Christie possibly blowing things up. Christie says she needs to make Nick public enemy number one.


And now it's Taco Tuesday as Christie chats with Jackson about Nick. Jackson advises a house meeting and he wants her to do it so the target is on Nick and makes her eviction more certain. Now we see Nick eavesdropping outside the RV door as Christie talks about attacking Nick. Nick now tells Jackson Christie's plan. Jackson thinks them blowing up each other's games is great. Time for the first break. 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And we're back. Time for the Taco Tuesday Throwdown! Poor Holly fixing the food when all heck breaks loose. Jackson loved every minute of this. I loved Tommy hiding behind the island/bench. Nick loses it as Christie keeps attacking. That showdown went on for about twenty minutes by the way. Now we see Holly and Jackson talking. Holly wants and needs Nick out. She talks about weakening Nick by removing Analyse and Christie wouldn't come after them. Dang! They cut out the Cliff/Christie part and Christie campaigning. Time for another break. 

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I would rather see Sis go tonight as she along with Jess do nothing but take up space.  I'd rather watch people that really want to play the game.  Speaking of Jess during that argument she looked like a crazy person.  Love and want Julie's top.  Thought her hair was a hot mess tho.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

We're back again. Time for final statements and the live vote. (Barring another flip since the feeds went down, the vote should be 5-1 to evict Analyse with only Nick voting to evict Christie.) Julie says she was inspired by the hair in the house this summer. Analyse speaks first. She misses every one and loves everyone and would love to stay and compete. She's playing her own game. It's hard being against Christie. Christies up and says she wouldn't change a thing. She loves Analyse. She has so much more to give. She wants to play comps and win comps. Vote to keep me. 


Jessica votes to evict Analyse.

Nick votes to evict Christie.

Tommy votes to evict Analyse.

Holly votes to evict Analyse.

Nicole votes to evict Analyse.

Cliff votes to evict Analyse.


By a vote of 5-1 Analyse is gone! Time for another break.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

And we're back. Julie played the old "By a vote of five to one, are safe. Analyse you've been evicted." Julie chat time. What happened? The blowup between Nick and Christie. Would you have protected Nick? I would have. Who do you feel most betrayed by? Jackson. I'm just really confused. Doesn't sound like a jury battle back is coming. Ah! Bird watching noise was the first part of Prank Week. Production is apparently trying to drive them crazy. (Well, crazier.)


The HOH comp is a Q&A comp. No it isn't! The wall behind them opens and reveals a skill comp instead. Cute! Time for another break.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

That was funny!  Great prank.  I think I'll vote for Cliff to be the prankster because he would really get a kick out of doing that and be honored that he was voted to do it.


ETA   I'm surprised there has not been one word of a double elimination.

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Re: Thursday 8/22/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for the HOH comp. The comp is a ball rolling game. America will vote to prank whoever becomes HOH and while they'll be safe, their duries will be affected.

Holly rolls first 50. 

Cliff rolls 18. 

Nick rolls 34.

Nicole rolls 18.

Christie rolls 21. 

Jessica rolls 3.

Tommy rolls 41. 


Holly is the new HOH. Jessica and Cliff/Nicole will receive a prank punishment. Up next we'll find out how we can affect the nominations. Time for another break.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!