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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Hopefully gardenman is back tomorrow.  I don't get the live feeds so we'll have to wait.  

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Audrey is in the room with the white couch pillows by herself
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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Thankfully Audrey didn't get HOH so she will probably be gone next week.

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

On yesterday's show we saw the odd phenomena of two of the more invisible houseguests winning the two HOH spots (and winning them easily.) Becky and Shelli are the two HOH's and I would have pretty much bet anything that neither would win, or even try to win HOH. Becky had been saying she didn't want to win HOH and would prefer to rely on her people skills to keep her in the game. And Shelli had largely melted into the decor of the house and was rarely seen on the feeds.


While it been assumed everyone in the house would have the same goal this week (get rid of Audrey) it now appears that Shelli has a different goal in mind. She wants Da'Vonne gone instead of Audrey. Da'Vonne wants to break up the couples (Clay/Shelli and Jeff/Jackie) so Shelli wants Da'Vonne gone. The nominations are already in and are interesting. Shelli nominated Da'Vonne and John (the rock star dentist) and John has been instructed, and apparently agreed to, throw the BOTB comp so Shelli stays in power and can evict Da'Vonne.

Becky however is still targeting Audrey and has nominated Jason and Steve with the plan for them to throw the comp and then backdoor Audrey. Steve could be an issue however as he's allied with Audrey and will likely play hard to win the BOTB. The BOTB is like to be an interesting one to watch as half of each team is fighting to stay alive (Steve and Da'Vonne) while the other half (Jason and John) are trying to throw the comp to keep their HOH in power. This could be a very, very long BOTB comp. (This just in, Jason is rethinking his agreement to throw the comp.)


It looks like BB is speeding up the comp schedule this week to get the BOTB and POV comps done before the Fourth, so today will likely be a very busy day for the houseguests. There are typically Fourth of July parties on the CBS lot on the Fourth, so the houseguests typically have to spend that day in an indoor lockdown which means no comps then.


Later today we're likely to have both the BOTB and POV comps, so lots of news will be breaking. The majority of the house will want Becky to stay in power, but production may prefer Shelli, so things could get interesting. John is the wildcard in all of this. If he can be convinced to play hard to win the BOTB (and that could be accomplished by telling him that between him and Da'Vonne the house would choose to keep Da'Vonne) then John and Da'Vonne combined and playing to win could keep Becky in power. It should be a fun day/evening on the feeds as all of this plays out. Right now it looks like Audrey or Da'Vonne will be going home on Thursday.

now you know I don't write this good

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gardenman being suspended is silly. It's like a time out for adults. I can't imagine he did anything wrong.  His posts are always interesting and very important for me with info on big brother. 


Bring back Gardenman!

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Just catching up on this thread and it is ridiculous that gardenman got suspended.  He is so missed!  In the meantime, thank you so much, sabra and lovescats, for picking up in his absense.  I greatly appreciate it!  

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Wow....Gardenman has been an integral part of the Q boards for years. Really unfair.
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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



  Come back gardenman!!!!  Miss you.

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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

He should be back later today if all goes well.....

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: Thursday 7/02/2015: Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The dentist is a little too strange for me. If he was my dentist and I saw him on this show, I'd be switching dentists! Woman LOL

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum