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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Susan HaywardImage result for susan hayward














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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Janet Leigh (beautiful in Little Women)

Myrna Loy ( Thin Man series)

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Cyd Charisse - one of the most beautiful dancers at MGM.


Grace Kelly - a timeless beauty in Rear Window and To Catch a Thief


Audrey Hepburn - not only beautiful but well spoken. A true fashion icon even to this day!


Elizabeth Taylor - a beautiful child actress who was able to transition to adult roles (not a common thing in those days either).

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Ginger Rogers

Marian Hutton

Elizabeth Taylor

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

@Tinkrbl44 , I was curious about the same thing. All of the actresses mentioned were beautiful and I am sure they done all they could to remain that way due to thier line of business. I think Ingrid Bergman had such a a lovely complexion as did her daughter that was an actress ( whose name I can not think of at the moment__________Rosselini??sp?)


I think it was hard for the press to catch them without make-up back then. Probably due to bulkier cameras,studio contracts etc. I have seen many current popular figures sans makeup and it really isn't bad .


I remember reading in Doris Day's autobiography how much she hated the heavy 'pancake' makeup she was obliged to wear when working and so glad when lighter ones were developed.


Of course we all have the April of our prime--and then the following months. Smiley Happy

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

I enjoy talking to my Mom about those actresses. That's how I know most of them because I haven't watched many old movies.


I did go through my phases of being slightly obsessed with Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. Elizabeth in National Velvet, she was just breathtaking. Same for Grace Kelly, to me her beauty was just otherworldly. And I'd say her wedding dress is still the most beautiful I've ever seen.

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Shirly Temple

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

Elizabeth when she was just 14mw07944.jpg



And later. Wow she was so beautiful  



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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

 I love this thread, these ladies were beautiful did anyone say Lana Turner?  So many so many beautiful women...............back in those days...........Bette  Davis was beautiful to me and well I just do not like Joan Crawford................

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Re: The naturally beautiful actresses of the 40s and 50s

[ Edited ]

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



Hi Lilac!


Not being a smart aleck here, but these "naturally beautiful"  women were always photographed in full makeup and there were filters on the lenses.    I'd love to see photos side by side with these women in a publicity shot, and one with no makeup on at all.  JMO


This is true.  But they didn't have plastic surgery, facelifts, breast implants, botox injections and liposuction, and photoshopping, etc.  At least to my knowledge. 


They might have had facelifts as they got older, but I was talking mostly of their hey days when they were young.  Not that I think anything is wrong with them having any of these procedures. 


And not that I think anything is wrong with what they all do these days.  To me it's a personal choice.  I had my lower eyelids done when huge water buckets developed under my eyes from hypothyroidism, and I have never regretted doing it.  They never came back.

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