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Posts: 860
Registered: ‎04-07-2011

Re: The Turpin Family Horror

This was the most horrific true story of family abuse I've ever seen. I couldn't help but cry and start praying. I was speechless then and I still am. I am horrified and disgusted. I wonder how these adults have survived in prison with other prisoners knowing their crimes. I hope they're experiencing the severe abuse they gave out to the innocents is coming back to them tenfold. I'll leave that up to karma. 

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Posts: 2,245
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: The Turpin Family Horror

The sadistic, cruel "parents" are evil, disgusting scum. It wouldn't bother me at all if they were chained, beaten, starved, and confined in filthy space like their children were.

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Posts: 2,025
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: The Turpin Family Horror

I just watched this program last night.  It makes me very angry.


Our society, in general as a whole, does a very bad job of taking care of children.  Funding and resources are low, politicians don't make it a high priority.  Look at what happened to migrant children at our own southern border, for example.


I am deeply upset, but not surprised, by the treatment of the Turpin children.  None of our states have a good track record of helping children.  It won't improve until we demand it.