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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

I did not see the tv program but I did read an article recently. Did the tv show say why the children aren't receiving the $600k? I read some are living in poor conditions in bad parts of town. 

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

@SoonerLater wrote:

I think more effort, money and attention is focused on dogs than on kids sometimes.  I feel like people are more concerned about dogs, their needs and medical care than on kids who are struggling.  


I am sorry to say this, but if you think about what you hear about, see on the news, and see in pictures---dogs are winning.  


You need to google how many dogs are euthanized a day. Then google how many children are euthanized a day. Dogs are not "winning"

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

[ Edited ]

I was glued to the TV for this interview.  So happy that Jordan and Jennifer shared their story, and sincerely wish the best for all of these children as they make a new life for themselves.   


I never knew David or Louise Turpin, but their families are from this area of southern WV.   David's parents attended the church I used to go to; truly good people, best friends of the pastor and his wife, and it is hard to process their son and grandchildren are the basis for this heart wrenching story.  They are well into their 80's now.


My husband and I knew Louise's maternal  grandparents and some of her aunts and uncles nearer our age, but we did not know her mother.  I am aware of statements made by Louise's sister about the abuse they were subjected to, and find that very sad. It just reinforces that you never know how people are behind closed doors.  Still, it is hard to believe this family would be connected to such horror.   

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

since the deputy guardian in charge of the money was fired it will be interesting to if they come out with an accounting for the money    she was working a second job as a realtor

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

[ Edited ]


You mentioned very interesting points in your post regarding Jordan's education.   

My teacher daughter watched the interview with me; she is a Special Ed teacher and works with Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) case workers regarding her students receiving services after graduation.  


An educated guess is that when Jordan was tested for school placement, her score was within a range for Special Ed services, and she finished high school with a modified diploma.   Receiving help from DRS explains her having a place to live, a vehicle, a monthly check, (and the fancy manicure), to help her attend college.   

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

@RedTop wrote:


You mentioned very interesting points in your post regarding Jordan's education.   

My teacher daughter watched the interview with me; she is a Special Ed teacher and works with Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) case workers regarding her students receiving services after graduation.  


An educated guess is that when Jordan was tested for school placement, her score was within a range for Special Ed services, and she finished high school with a modified diploma.   Receiving help from DRS explains her having a place to live, a vehicle, a monthly check, (and the fancy manicure), to help her attend college.   

@RedTop That's very possible considering they got little to no education at home.  But, that doesn't mean she is cognitively deficient.  And she talked like she really loved the schoolwork, asking for more.

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

[ Edited ]

@RedTop yes, my guess is most defiinitely she received special ed services, as did the others. I have worked with the developmentally delayed for over 30 years. These girls, while probably much more vocal and exposed than prior to their escape, are still behind.  The hair, nails and makeup are probably the result of exposure to more social media and things they were totally unaware of.  



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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

@millieshops wrote:

@BornToShop    I think at least 2 elements have to be present for these horrors to happen--  first and worst, someone has to be evil.  The other piece is equally scary but harder to place blame- that's who suspected or knew and yet nothing happened to end the evil.  

I saw the teaser for the show, but have not yet seen the actual show.  So far, I assume I know who fit my first element,  but I have no idea about the second piece.


@millieshops   Jordan said she knew people had to know, so assume the neighbors, and what about the teachers at the school Jennifer attended until third grade, coming to school very dirty, authorities should have been notified of her condition.

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

@patbz wrote:

Obviously there are holes in the system to protect "at risk" kids. Why didn't teachers report child who was shunned by her peers?  Why did San Bernardino County drop the ball?  Maybe now they'll care since this is once again in the spotlight.

Riverside County


In a statement, Riverside County Executive Officer Jeff Van Waganen said his office has hired a law firm run by former federal Judge Stephen G. Larson to analyze the services provided and the quality of care they received. A report is due by the end of March.


“The County of Riverside is committed to conducting a thorough and transparent review of the services provided to the Turpin siblings and to improve and strengthen the County’s child welfare and dependent adult systems,” the statement said.


Dr. Matthew Chang, who heads the county’s public guardian office, said he welcomed the investigation into the care of the siblings.

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Re: The Turpin Family Horror

@scatcat wrote:

I did not see the tv program but I did read an article recently. Did the tv show say why the children aren't receiving the $600k? I read some are living in poor conditions in bad parts of town. 

From what I heard the County Services team placed some of the adult children in not so nice neighborhoods. 


About the money - it was put into a trust but the person that was supposed to give to the kids apparently hasn't been doing there job.