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I love stories that deal w/cons and/or scams.  I'll be watching.


I wonder if they will show their dog's air conditioned dog house?

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Even if someone gave me free tickets, I would not go to see this movie.  Absolutely ZERO INTEREST.  But yes, I will be going to see James Bond.

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I would like to see it but I will wait until it's on t.v.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@Mz iMac wrote:

I love stories that deal w/cons and/or scams.  I'll be watching.


I wonder if they will show their dog's air conditioned dog house?

There was a really good program on one of the news channels a week or two ago containing actual clips of the original shows, and candids of Bakker's ups and downs and downs and downs, and the videos of the air conditioned dog house are in that.


When I was a new mother, I experienced a painful tragedy, and the show became a part of my days as I took care of my baby.


The cajoling for donations was constant throughout the show, and one day I wrote a check for $5 and sent it. Not too long after I received an effusive mass produced "personal Thank You" for my $100 donation.


I assumed even at the time that there was some kind of smoke and mirrors having to do with the donation process, and that was around the time that Isort of wised up and stopped watching.


Because I'd watched so faithfully previously, it became sort of obvious as the news began to pile up, that the Bakkers were preachers/entertainers/zealots/exploiters/manipulators/....... yet, there was a sense of some sort of honesty in her outspoken love of makeup, jewelry, flashy fashion, and he was, in fact, a gifted speaker both when interpreting scripture AND when grifting to support their outrageous lifestyle.


I never knew while watching, on the day they took him away crying what looked like real tears, whether any of it or some of it or none of it, was real. 

And I still don't.

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I'll never forget what she looked like on the Larry King Show.

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I would like to see it but I don't go to theaters. She lived in south KC in a gated community with with her last husband, Roe Messner, when she died. In her final years she looked almost skeletal. 

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She wore so much eye makeup - it was clownish!  I hope the film plays it over-the-top.

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I saw this movie yesterday.  They totally came off as cartoon characters.  I'd grade it a c-minus!

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I am interested in watching but will wait until it's on HBO.  

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