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It's out today only in theatres. Has anyone seen it? I can't wait until it's out on video!

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I want to see this  also , i hope they do justice to her , I always liked her , i know many didn't.

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@MW in Iowa wrote:

I want to see this  also , i hope they do justice to her , I always liked her , i know many didn't.

Vincent D'Onofrio plays Jerry Falwell!  I'll watch anything he's in but I'm not ready to go to a movie theater yet.  I'll have to see this one on video too. I've seen the trailer and don't think they made him up to look much like the real Falwell.

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I love Jessica Chastain and and Vincent D'onofrio but I probably wouldn't go to theater for it since it's doesn't really need a big a screen but I'll check it out for sure.  Would love to hear a review from our community here. 

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Thanks ladies! I'm not ready to sit in a theater yet, either. The preview of the movie seem to show this as a dark comedy. Maybe? I always laugh when Tammy says to the man on the television "I just want to put my arms around you" She seems so sincere.

I also hope someone will see it and let us know what they think.

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@JamandBread wrote:

Thanks ladies! I'm not ready to sit in a theater yet, either. The preview of the movie seem to show this as a dark comedy. Maybe? I always laugh when Tammy says to the man on the television "I just want to put my arms around you" She seems so sincere.

I also hope someone will see it and let us know what they think.

@JamandBread  Ive read a lot of reviews of it and it's not a comedy.

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I heard a review of this movie. They said the acting is good but it borders on caricature. They said Tammy was portrayed as passive as if she didn't know what was going on. I see them as persons preying on the vulnerable through their religion. Their intent was to get rich which they did for awhile. No lack of con men in this country, no lack of the gullible people either.

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I fear it will just be a complete trashing of her, her husband, and her faith. I don't like gravedancing. I was not a fan of hers, but she seemed to be a very tragic figure. It's a hard pass for me.

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I wouldn't waste my time. Both she and her husband scammed thousands of people in the name of religion.

No sympathy for either of them.

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I agree with your comments 100% especially the last sentence.  I'll pass on this movie.