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Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yesterday saw the picking of the POV players and the POV comp. It was the slingshot comp where they got spun around first and then had to fire their slingshot at targets with different point values. Whoever had the lowest point value in each round was eliminated and had to choose a prize/penalty. It sounds like Christie and Jack were poking fun of Cliff during the comp somehow and that annoyed Jessica and the rest. Jessica emerged with the POV. Kat won the trip to Hawaii. (Tommy may have been in position to take the trip to Hawaii from Kat, but opted to let her keep it after he led the coup to get her voted out Thursday.) Nick won $5,000. Tommy won the BB Explorer Costume. Whenever he gets summoned he has to go to the store room and pick up two things for his hands and run through the house saying "I'm exploring at the speed of sound, light or smell" depending on which things they've left in the storeroom for him.


So, with Jess now being both HOH and holding the POV, she now has even more power and has neutralized Christie's DPOV power that dies unused. The plan at this moment is to keep the nominations the same and to trust both Kat and Nick to vote how Jess wants them to vote, which is to vote out Jack leaving Christie, Tommy and Analyse on a very small island.


They're already getting a bit nervous about both Nick's and Kat's votes however. Nick is spending most of his time with Jack and Tommy and Christie is sure they have Nick's vote. Nick assures the others he's with them, but no one truly knows how he'll vote until Thursday. Kat had a crying spell where she said she didn't want to be perceived as an idiot for her vote which had Cliff's Angels a bit nervous, but she seems to have settled back down and is back on voting out Jack over Jackson. Jessica was briefly considering putting up Nick in place of Jackson so they'd gain a solid vote in Jackson, but Nick seems to have assured her enough that he's on their side despite appearances to stay off the block. Jessica needs four votes to evict Jack and she's got Cliff, Nicole and Holly locked in. Kat and Nick are hopefully locked in, but if Nick gives her reason to doubt, she could use the POV on Jackson and gain his vote.


Jackson has made it clear to Jessica, Cliff, Nicole, and Holly that he has three targets and three targets only in the house and they're Christie, Tommy and Analyse. (Assuming Jack goes this week.) He wants them out of the house.


Christie, Tommy, Analyse and Jack are pretty sure they've got the votes to keep Jack, but they're starting to get a little nervous about it. The house will be a pressure cooker this week if things stay the same with Nicole, Cliff, Nick and Kat facing enormous pressure from Christie, Tommy and Jack for their votes.


It would be nice to finally see Christie having to sweat in the game. She's always been on the more powerful side of the house and never a real target. As part of a nine, then eight, then six person alliances, she always had the numbers. If things go as expected this week her side will be down to three and her meat shield will be gone and they'll be going up against six. The house will have flipped on her and she'll be out of control for once in the game.


If Christie, Analyse or Tommy don't win HOH this week, they'll be the nominees. (Likely Christie and Tommy with Analyse as the reserve.) The pressure will really be on them come Thursday and if things play out right and they think they have the votes to keep Jack only to see Jack walk out the door, they will be a bit rattled headed into the HOH comp.


Expect this to be the week of tears and empty promises from Christie as she desperately tries to keep Jack in the house. She'll vow undying loyalty to Nick, Cliff, Nicole, Kat and even Holly to try and save Jack, only to be assured they've got her back and then discover they don't.


Jackson's largely living in the Have Not room in a self-shunning move, largely to keep himself from blowing up at Christie and Jack. Holly is counseling him to keep his cool until after the vote and he seems to be heeding her counsel. This could be a very fun week in the old BB house. Thursday could be the best show of the year if things play out just right.


And speaking of the best show of the year, the best one to date should air tonight as we finally get the footage from inside the boat room as the chaos went down. The leaked footage all came from outside and around the boat room while CBS saved the good stuff for tonight's show. My favorite part of the whole thing was watching Kat fearlessly dive into the conflict while everyone else was scared to get involved. She just paused outside the door, took a deep breath, and dove in. I'm not sure I would have. It worked out for her in the end as Holly, Analyse and Nicole refused to flip the vote and saved Kat.


It should be a fun show to watch tonight. The leaked footage was great, but this should be even better. Watching a big alliance implode in such a spectacular fashion is rare. I'm not sure we've ever seen it before. Having it all started by Tommy, Mr. It's too soon and can't we all just get along, will make it even better. I'm really looking forward to this show.

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Personally, I'd rather see Jackson go. If not him, Nick going home would make me happy. He is one creepy guy. Speaking of Nick, I don't believe for a second that he is a licensed therapist who works with children. If by chance he is, he shouldn't be. I work with child therapists all the time and he does not represent them well.

I really do not care for Jessica. I'll be happy when she's done with her HOH stint.
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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



I'm not a big Jackson fan, but if he goes the steamroll continues. Someone on the Jack, Christie, Analyse, Tommy side has to go to even things out a bit. Analyse is a bit of a nothing burger. She's a vote for that side but she's not really playing all that much. I'm not sure how truly loyal she is to them either. Christie gets on her nerves fairly often.


Nick is a creepy, touchy-feely jerk. The girl they showed him "counseling" in his intro video was his niece and not a patient. I've heard that a search for his credentials has come up empty and the company he says he works for says they've never heard of him, so he's probably as much a "licensed therapist" as Rachel Reilly was a "chemist." BB tends to be a bit liberal when it comes to stating occupations.


Jessica annoys the heck out of me, but kudos to her for winning those comps back to back against what appeared to be vastly superior competition. I wouldn't mind seeing her go though.


I like Cliff. He frustrated me when he didn't force Christie to use her power, but then when those he'd have needed to win HOH fell out quickly, it turned into a wise move. Kat amuses me to no end. She's got that kind of happy ditziness, that's appealing, but there's a lot of intelligence in there somewhere also. Her mood swings are a bit odd and she might need her meds adjusted, but Kat's pretty entertaining and I like her. And I like Nicole. She's kind of like Sharon back in BB9 just hiding out in the shadows and trying to stay out of the line of fire as much as possible. Everytime she's tried to make a smart game move (and they were smart moves on her side) they've blown up on her, so now she's just trying to lie low and hope for the best. Instead of focusing on the guinea pigs that Sharon had, Nicole helps Kat with the fish feeding.


The rest? Eh. Not so much. Holly is okay and when finally separated from Jackson may become more acceptable. Analyse is beautiful but kind of dense most of the time. She was saying yesterday she really wanted to have a kid so she'd have a little version of herself. She needs to mature a bit before she's really ready for a kid. Christie is a narcissistic, controlling, (insert banned word here.) Jack is an uncouth, bossy, arrogant jerk. (Opinions differ widlly here about Jack, but that's my opinion of him. The way he lectured Kemi for putting her glass in the freezer really bugged me along with how he treats Analyse.) Tommy just annoys me to no end. He's not to the Frankie Grande level of annoyance where I'd want to throw him off the balcony, but he's getting close. Jackson is weird. I thought his preshow interviews were good. Then I didn't like him in the house. I don't like him now, but I find him less annoying than many of the others.


My ideal final three right now would be Kat, Cliff and Nicole. Of those three, I'd most like to see Nicole win. Kat has the money to hire a photographer to follow her around and take photos of her. Cliff's fairly well-to-do and well established. Nicole is a big fan of the game and is just venturing out into the real world. All three have played a pretty interesting style of game. All three have focused more on the social side of the game. Cliff and Nicole have both tried to make big moves only to have them blow up on them. Kat fearlessly dove into the chaos Thursday pre-show to save her spot in the house. Can they reach the final three? Possibly. Cliff might be most at risk. Christie is back to painting him as the mastermind manipulator behind all of her troubles. I suspect if her side wins HOH Cliff and Jackson will be the nominees. Kat may be the safest of the three despite almost being voted out Thursday.



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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Gman, I agree with most of that. Nicole is my favorite, Cliff is ok, but am really put off by her horrible comments about Analyse right on the heals of her empowerment speech. I can't stand stand that catty nonsense and Kat is a hypocrite. Also, after the way she's been treated by Jackson, you would would think she'd be wanting him out. I don't get it. Zero rspect for her.


Jack is a pompous, arrogant jerk but compared to Jackson he is angelic. I think when the show is over, we're going to learn just how much Jackson was involved in that UT hazing incident. Family money can't shield him forever. 


Holly is one of those people who is good at making herself sound like she knows how to play the game when in reality she is repeating things she's heard others say. She's obviously intelligent but I wish she's stay in her lane.


I always want a fan of the show to win. I tend to not cheer for the recruits.

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Everything about Nick is creepy. In terms of Jessica winning, even stupid people win at something once in a while. She truly is an idiot and will go back to the bottom of the 

totem pole when this week is over.

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



Kat wants Jackson out, but she wants Jack out more. She'll be only too happy to vote out Jackson when the opportunity arises. (Maybe next week.) Sadly, you can only vote out one person a week and this week Jack is more important to get out.


By the way, don't expect whoever goes this week to be truly gone. There will likely be a jury battle back in a few weeks. I kind of expect single eliminations until 8/29 then that person will join with the people evicted on the 8th, 15th, and 22nd in a battle back to rejoin the game. Then on the following week we'll see the first double eviction and have five people in the jury house. 

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It would be fun to have Jack and Jackson in a battle Back and neither of them win. 😂
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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I liked Nicole until she went on about her dislike of birds which shows her to be uneducated with a lack of appreciation for nature. 

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

This is what I signed up for! Last night's feeds were great. I spent most of my time listening in on the hoh room because it's so fun to see the players who have been marginalized for weeks and weeks finally come into their own. I can even say I've been enjoying seeing Jess finally acting like she's in the game. Cliff was surely enjoying his time being in the group with Jess, Nicole, Holly, and Kat. I felt so bad for Nicole when she told the group about how Christie and Sis were mocking Cliff. She was so angry and hurt on his behalf she broke down a bit. I don't expect it will happen but I'd love to see those two in the winner's chairs come finale night. As I third I'd thinking maybe Kat? Not sure, but I'll know more how I feel about her after this eviction is over.


Unfortunately Jess is focusing a lot of negative energy Nick's way. It stems from her being astounded that Nick is a double agent. If Jessica really wants Jack gone her best move (imo) would not be to replace Jackson with Nick but rather with Christie or Tommy. It takes away one of their votes and makes them have choose who they're really loyal to in the end. The problem is Jess doesn't want any more blood on her hands (at this point does it matter?) and she may feel she nothing to lose with Nick. That may or may not be true depending on where Nick is planning to vote and putting him on the block would certainly send him back into the arms of what's left of the Six (four?).


I'm not sure why Tommy is getting credit for being the start of the implosion. He was way down the line on that. The real credit goes to Sam who confided in Analyse (big mistake) who talked to Holly who talked to Jackson who talked to Jack who talked to Tommy who talked to Christie. 


Speaking of Tommy, I thought it was pretty cool of him to pass his trip to Hawaii to Kat. It was a game move as restitution for them trying to flip the vote on her but we don't often see kind of thing happen. Unfortunately for Tommy Kat is completely aware of why he was so generous, lol.

I also loved seeing Tommy in his explorer suit running through every room yelling "I'm exploring at the speed of sound" with air horns blaring. Apparently Jack is getting a friend for 24 hours much like Brett did last season with the Grandma. 


Ahhh, these are the days of the game that make me happy to be a BB fan! 

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Re: Sunday 8/04/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@occasionalrain wrote:

I liked Nicole until she went on about her dislike of birds which shows her to be uneducated with a lack of appreciation for nature. 

WOW! I do not like birds at all but I certainly have an appreciation of nature. Love watching them from a distance.