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I don't want to see Ashley.  Not the way she acted towards everyone when she was with TRav.  She has no business being on the show at all now.  Go away.


Just when I was starting to finally like Shep after all this time he goes and blows it w/his macho attitude, thinking he is so much smarter than everyone else.  I don't doubt he has a very good education.  Did he do all this drinking throughout his college years?  He must have.  How he ever graduated is a miracle.  All these guys - Shep, Craig, Austin - yuck...I feel sorry for these girls in Charleston.


Eliza and this boyfriend of hers, is he just w/her for her $$$ and name, or does he work?  I don't know how they'll place into all this.  We have Eliza to thank for having Ashley hanging around trying to make a comeback. 


I don't know what to make of Madison.  She's a very pretty girl and has beautiful hair and if she has a rich clientele, full of monied southern women, she probably does make a very good living.  Between her fees and tips hairdressers can do very well.  I think we see and hear too much of Cameran.  I think she might be getting over her post partum symptoms because she was missing her baby - or was that all an act?  I don't think so, I do think she wanted to get home.


Naomie's new nose distracts me, esp. the profile of it.  It has a little ski jump at the tip and I think she looked fine before she had it altered.  Her face had more character.  Speaking of ski jump, I did laugh out loud when they were taking their skiing lessons, esp. Kathryn.  I can remember the first and ONLY time I went skiing.  I laughed and laughed because the slightest little bump can cause you to start moving.  To this day I remember me and my friend were standing in line waiting to get on the ski lift, and there was a tiny tiny mound of snow which sent me sailing between the legs of whoever was standing in front of me.  omg, maybe you had to be there but we laughed and laughed.  At the end of the day our leg muscles were sore as could be.  No more skiing for us!!

Flowers are nature's way of laughing
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I watched it this week because on WWHL Andy said this was going to be a good episode.  I thought it was.


But, I find it interesting that everyone is mad at Madison because of what she said about Shep and Danni.  Madison was very clear that Austin is the one who told her this.  When Austin talked to Madison about it, it sure seemed that he DID tell her the rumor.


Now though, both Shep and Danni are saying it is not true.  I definately believe they are lying.  If it is not true, why aren't they mad at Austin for starting the rumor in the first place?  They aren't mad at him because they know it is true.....they are just mad because it was made public by Madison.


I don't like Danni.  She is just a gossip so I'm glad there is now some gossip about her.


Any woman that would be with Shep should arm herself with every protection known to man.  The man publically states he is with 4-5 women a week and doesn't use protection.  I would be afraid to catch anything if I was in the same room as him.

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As Shep continues to get  older and longer in the tooth, it will be harder and harder for him to attract  his alleged roster of  4-5 women per week. 


Just my opinion.  He's showing his age and his personality is beginning to suffer along with it.


Ever notice the way he crosses his legs and one foot is always shaking a mile a minute?????  He's a nervous dude and needs to send that energy negatively in what he says to others in the gang.

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@novamc1 wrote:

As Shep continues to get  older and longer in the tooth, it will be harder and harder for him to attract  his alleged roster of  4-5 women per week. 


Just my opinion.  He's showing his age and his personality is beginning to suffer along with it.


Ever notice the way he crosses his legs and one foot is always shaking a mile a minute?????  He's a nervous dude and needs to send that energy negatively in what he says to others in the gang.

Yes, I've noticed that foot shake many times.  All the time.  Whenever he sits down, whether it's on the show, or the Reunion shows, or on WWHL that foot goes a mile a minute.  According to body langugage xperts, that means the person wants to high tail it out of there and run away from the situation at hand.  Because he is from a wealthy family he will always be able to attract women.  Think inheritance.

Flowers are nature's way of laughing
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One would think Austin is Shep's son the way Shep gets hysterical over Austin's life.  He needs to find something to occupy his mind and time in a productive way instead of drinking and fooling around.

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Madison has short hair. She just wears extensions as many on tv do. I still love her hair.


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Screenshot_2019-08-03 Madison LeCroy on Instagram “Happy birthday, America ”.png

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I've loved this show from the beginning but after watching

this past week's show think much of the cast has outgrown the

show and need to move on.  It was quite boring to me. 


Shep Rose who never had a girlfriend and is going to be 40 years

old is still acting like a college frat kid.  He doesn't want to

lose his younger sidekick drinking buddy to Madison. It's so obvious.

I don't know if he's flat out jealous as Madison is really attractive

or that he doesn't want him to settle down and he will be alone

carousing for women at night.  Soon he will have a huge beer

belly.  He's already out of shape.  I've said it before he has a

superiority complex which is nothing more than insecurity.  His command of the english language isn't working anymore.  Looks

have faded.


Cameran left after the first night as did Whitney.  I think it's time she left the show as she is a happily married mom married to a Doctor.

She's too stable now for the show. Good for her.


Whitney is the executive producer of the show and seems mortified

and disgusted to shoot a few scenes with the motley crew.  I think

he spends most of his time in California with his artsy millionaire friends.  He does what he has to do for the show.


I think Whitney's mother Patricia and the butler deserve their own show.  The best was when she took her Bentley or Rolls through

the McDonald's window aisle and the butler set her plate in the

back seat for her to eat the burger haha! Now that's entertainment folks!























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@Pink123  I agree with your post. I read an interesting story about Patricia's butler. He has always worked with wealthy elderly people. When Patricia met him he worked for someone else who had the staff of around 100 people or so. After his employer passed away, Patricia, knowing of his excellent reputation, immediately pursued him and he came to work for her. I realize some people don't like Patricia, but I think she looks great (even if she's had some work done) and find her very interesting.



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Look at Shep here. His hair looks so dirty and nasty!


Screenshot_2019-08-03 Cameran Eubanks on Instagram “Just recorded the inaugural Shepisode of Shep’s new podcast, It’s Not a[...].png