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Robyn finally got what she wanted.  She has Kody all to herself.  She really did a number on him.  He thinks so highly of her.  She is loving, supportive, a great mediator, etc.  Talk about a con job.

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I don't think Robyn was ever pretty, cute maybe, she has a square face, and big jaw line that sticks out. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Way OT here, but i have noticed things from qvc, in their homes, mostly temptations. Do you think they are on these boards and read everything we are saying?

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@10sluvr wrote:

Way OT here, but i have noticed things from qvc, in their homes, mostly temptations. Do you think they are on these boards and read everything we are saying?

LOL. I've noticed temptations dinnerware as well -- although I believe it was years ago.  Who knows?  Maybe one or more are on the forums with us!  hahaha

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I watched a you tube video about the show and Janelle said Robyn was mean to Christine for years.

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Registered: ‎05-11-2010

It is being reported this afternoon that Meri has also left Kody.  
I sure hope they all get their money back that they all gave to buy Robyn's house. Especially Janelle. 

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Registered: ‎12-28-2018

Kody said a while ago that Meri could,leave and he wouldn't care.   They can rename the show Sister Ex-Wives