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Like I said, I'll bet one of those children is sick or something. Just like that, poof, one marriage down, more to go........

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I've always thought he was one of the most disgusting men on a reality show. He's just not very bright and thinks that all women find him intriguing! NOT! I've always liked Meri the most and never could stand Robyn who is a back stabber and only cares about her own agenda. I dumped cable TV last week and got a good antenna (25 channels for FREE) and a Roku, but TLC isn't on the Roku yet. So I've missed most of the season of Sister Wives. The last I saw it, Meri just appeared to want to go back to school and be on her own. I say good for her!

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I am curious about 'the rotation'. I don't watch the show very much, but does Kody spend a different night with each wife? a week? Or what? Are they using birth control? Is BC allowed by their religion? I would think the point of having multiple wives would be for procreation, not pleasure, (in the eyes of the church). Is Kody expected to 'perform' every night?

I have to wonder based on their 'crabby' personalities, that some wives are getting more, 'attention' than others. I just don't get it. How can the wives not want to know what he did with the other's? How can they put up with 'sharing' a man?

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lacey, I've never heard them talk about it. I think one thing though, if it is one of the women's birthday he spends the night with them no matter what. I remember way back one of the women got upset because she felt 'cheated' on her birthday.

These women are very vocal if something occurs and they don't like it. I laugh at the way these teenagers are 'supposed' to be happy playing tag and stuff; all on TV.

Come on....anyone who's ever raised teenagers knows that at one time or another they can be cranky and want to go against the stream.

I saw where they are going to do a show where anthropology students come and visit and 'study' them. That should be interesting.

Although I guess the episode will be edited to death.

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Thanks for the response, Annabelle. Boy, they talk about their finances and homes. Why don't they get up front about the s*x? That's what is most hard for me to understand. I don't know how they manage all of those kids. Are they home schooled? How come they are not constantly running them to soccer, music lessons, parent-teacher meetings, doctors appts., etc.? I have 4 grandchildren and it's like a military operation to plan all of their activities.

You're right, when they become teenagers- sometimes they want NOTHING to do with their parents. It's bad enough when a teenager is spotted at the store with their parents, let alone being on TV!

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lacey1 I know what you're saying about hauling children everywhere. My oldest daughter has 4 children. They all go to different schools. They are involved in at least 2 extra activities each (not counting Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, CCD (church), etc).

I just got back from visiting my middle daughter in Fla. She has 3 young children. I went with the oldest (mother of 4).

It was a wonderful trip but I forgot the energy it takes to round up all of those children, etc.

That show must be so heavily edited, I'm surprised they have anything left to show. I just about choak when they show these teenagers running with the little one's kicking the ball, holding hands.

My grandchidren are wonderful, but come on...that only goes a little ways...right?

I remember there have been times (I've watched it off and on almost from the beginning) it seems like it's always on) and there have been times way back when the women didn't feel like they were getting enough 'attention' from him (ugh).

He has as much s, e, x appeal as a wet noodle.

I thought I saw where they were borrowing money from someone else for their 'jewelry' line. I remember they went to a group to get money and I thought they got it, evidentally not because it showed them going to someone else.

I don't watch it every week so I guess I missed the part where they were turned down the first time.

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I've been reading about these people. It's still a mystery exactly how they manage to live the life style they do.

I saw a somewhat breakdown on how they earn their money, but everything I read said, 'it still doesn't hold up'.

Janelle moved out with her children a few years back and lived on her own. She and Meri had a huge argument and it is STILL strained. The article said she moved back with the group when Kody said he was leaving the state.

Most articles recognize that (as I believe) Janelle is the smartest of the group and is and was totally capable of living on her own. The other people.....ummmm not so much.

When the little girl (I think it was Christine's daughter, not sure, too tired to check) was in the hospital for over a week when her kidney's shut down, none of the other wives visited the hospital. She took care of the little girl there on her own.

This whole thing is like watching a train wreck. You don't want to look, (and find it nauseating) but keep an interest in it.

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It was for insurance purposes supposedly. Its not the Polygamy thing that gets me I think. Its the making out that its for the religious purposes of getting into heaven that ticks me off.

The other major religion that practices Polygamy doesn't even pretend to claim that. Islam.

I read they are still ""in tact as a family"". Just he made an excuse to make it legal with the one he currently prefers. That is what I think as well.