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Does anyone else watch this show? I've watched episodes here and there over the years. I just DVR'd and watched the Reunion Part 1 and 2.

The Season 4 opener comes on tonight (Monday, at 10:00PM ET) on Bravo.

I have a business partner who is Persian. He mainly hires Persians. He is very, very successful. The people on this show are ummmm interesting.

When my business partner's daughter got married (my husband was alive then) we went to her wedding. There were over 600 people there. You never saw so many jewels, etc. It was very much like the show except the people were mostly a religion called Baha i, (as are many who came here during the 70's).

Anyway, does anyone here ever watch the show? If so, what do you think of it?

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In today's world they are called Iranians, that is why they are in the US!!!

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I don't find the wierdos on that show indicative of the Iranians I've known personally.

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I have watched the show since it started. It's different for sure but I enjoy it. They are characters and I like them even tho I think they're all a bit nuts. Strictly entertainment for me. Wouldn't want to be friends with any of them irl - lol.

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I don't find them the same either.

I watched the 'round up' Andy Cohen always does (a 2 hour one) and they say they realize they are over the top and realize this is a 'show'. However, they insist their antics aren't for the cameras, that they are genuinely like that when having fun.

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I watch the Shahs. It's very amusing. They all seem to come from very affluent families. At the age of 35 Gigi's father is still paying for her apartment and credit card bills.Nice life...Reza has a few Rolex watches. I just think there is a little too much drinking going on. Lately Mike is always getting drunk. I don't think he really wants to get married. They are all a little nutty which makes for a fun show.

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They are entertaining. pat, did you see the end dinner with Andy? It was a two parter. It was funny, sad and informative if you watch the shows.

Persians are really a tight knit group. I seriously doubt if Reza will either marry or stay married to that guy because he just won't fit in.

I mentioned the wedding I went to (business partner) earlier. His daughter (at that time) married a Hispanic guy she knew in college. Then she married a guy who was not Persian. When I talked to her Dad about 2 years ago I asked about her. He said, "She'll stay married this time. She finally married a Persian like I always wanted her to". She's very happy and now has two children.

I went on line and looked them up. They aren't wealthy themselves. They are realtors, most of them are. A lot of the things they do is provided by the producers of the show.

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On 3/2/2015 Hooty said:

In today's world they are called Iranians, that is why they are in the US!!!

I think it depends on ethnic groups. Persians can be Iranians in terms of nationality, but not all Iranians are Persians (ethnicity). Also, regarding native language, some refer to their language as Persian, and others refer to their language as Farsi.

On Shahs of Sunset, I think most of the cast identifies as Persian because of their lineage.

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Yes, celery, they do. Did any of you see the episodes where they went to Turkey. It was very interesting and I'm sure eye opening for some of their younger audience about how wonderful it is to live in this country and what some take for granted.

I'm sure being here and feeling torn is more difficult for some than others.

I just saw where GG had a b, 0b job very recently. On the show this week she'd had her other side en,hanced.

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Yes I saw the episode where they all went to Turkey, because the ones that were born in Iran (Resa & Asa) could not return to Iran! The younger ones, were born in the US and are of Iranian decent!