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I watched this 1995 movie for the first time last night. It's a crime drama/mystery starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt...those two are cops and the bad guy is played by Kevin Spacey. Excellent movie if you like crime movies. The "Se7en" has to do with the seven deadly sins. The ending was very unexpected and really good!

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@SilleeMee I've seen that movie several times.  The ending was very unexpected. 


It was very well made.  Pitt and Freeman were wonderful!

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Loved that movie.

Spooky...creepy...psychological thriller.

Those films, like Silence of the Lambs, are the best.

Kinda makes you could occur...and probably has. 


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It was very creepy at times! @sidsmom  

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I always thought this was a dark movie, scary too. But with the stars who are in it, it is a good one.

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Yes, a most excellent movie.....Very creepy and kind of gross.........Great cast!

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Ewwwww, I’ll never forget the first time I saw that movie !!

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 this was one goes in the hall of fame of  an interesting horror murder mystery . The ending  absolutely made me  gasp  as you could only guess what was in the box  !  Who knew   that this was playing out as the sin of " Envy " . Kevin Spacey was not  a well known actor  before this movie . He was so creepy ! I just wish it had not been raining nonstop while they were filming , so many scenes were dark & gloomy, guess it was to set the tone of the movie that was directed by David Fincher.


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How that prostitute died was gut wrenching. Just the thought of something like that makes my stomach turn.

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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

I saw this movie a couple of times and yes it was very good.  The ending was unbelievable. Kevin Spacy played a crazy man very good -- in fact too believable.  lol

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