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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(



I always think of you when I watch TCM.  I'm always hoping you are watching when I'm watching some wonderful old movie.  😁

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

People, you are the best, and thank you for kind words and wishes.  What a fun surprise tonight.


Very glad we can meet back here again and again to comment, critique, and offer all of our individual insights on movies.  I learn so much here among my fellow film fanciers!


(Please excuse my "hearting" of sentiments that are complimentary of me-- I'm not smugly trying to compliment myself, just trying to indicate I read your post and expressing deepest thanks!) 



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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

We are all fortunate to have Oznell give us her take on the on film noir movies. She sure knows her stuff. 

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

Oznell knows her stuff!!!

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

Huh? I'm lost. When I saw the title of this thread a feeling of dread came on me. I didn't know about your DH being ill? Is there a post to fill me in? So sorry, but sounds like he's doing OK? I hope you will keep posting about movies this whole dry month. Take good care, "ozzie" (that's what I call you when I see one of your posts-oh, boy, it's ozzie!) and of your DH as well.

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

@Oznell wrote:

@GingerPeach, thanks much for your kind remembrance of my husband.  He's in a great frame of mind, doing well, thanks.  He has that even, sunny, opitimistic personality I'm so envious of.... 



It's like me and Better-half.  He's an owl and I'm a lark.  Yours sounds like another day and night relationship.  Or day and noir... Woman Wink


Please give him my best.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

Oh, @Judaline, not to worry,  Some time back, in the wellness forum, I posted asking about how to encourage meat-lovers like hubby to embrace more plant-based diet.  He has a cancer diagnosis that responds well to vegan or at least vegetarian eating, I believe.


Got some great suggestions from that thread for his diet, and additionally many people were kind enough to wish him well.  He's currently doing very well, has very good prognosis.  As you know, posters here are so sweet in remembering others in their various life struggles that we all have... thanks for asking, dear @Judaline and thanks to all for well wishes.

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

@Oznell wrote:

That's right, @traveler.  And @GingerPeach mentioned before that Sunday, I think, is Katharine Hepburn Day...

not my cup of tea,  that one.

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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

I too did not know about your Hubby.  I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


I always check to see what movies you are going to inform us about.


Take care.



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Re: Saturday night without @oznell :-(

@GingerPeach wrote:

Yikes.  How are we ever going to know what to watch on Saturday night without @Oznell to provide her insight?  Alas and alack.  Are we doomed to a whole month of Saturdays without proper critiques?

(I have to wonder if TCM would have been so cavalier in switching out Saturday night noir for other films during this month if the programmers knew of our dedicated little group here.)  


Now, oznell, none of this jokery means you have to interrupt your plans to cater to our needs during this break from noir.   


In the meantime, all the best to you and best wishes for your husband's return to perfect health.

@GingerPeach  I don't know what you watch your TV shows on, but my cable has an online TV Guide.   Oznell's posts are great, but I can live w/out them since I have the online guide!  LOL Smiley Happy