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@Elri ,  Foyle's War I love!   Have adored Michael Kitchen ever since first spotting him in "Out of Africa".....   He was a bigger draw for me than Redford...


I wish they'd crank up some more "Foyle" goodies....

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@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

We own Hart to Hart, Mannix,and Columbo.

I saw Stephanie Powers at the vet last month!  She looks exactly the same.  I first recognized her by her voice, from the back : )


I loved Hart to Hart.  She was my first introduction to monotone dressing.  


The receptionist at the vet was so young she didn't know who she was : (  I had to explain after she left. 

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Redford never impressed me at all.    I can't think of actors -- oh, I loved Philip Seymour Hoffman and had vowed to watch anything and everything he made.    Sooooo sad. But, a real actor.  I can't think of many because I don't go to the movies and catch things 2nd and 3rd-hand.   I do like Gary Oldman - saw him in Immortal Beloved as Beethoven.  Caught that one on TV.  I feel so lucky when that happens.  


I'm so mad I didn't  have DH record Foyle's War it for me.  When I went back to watch it, it was pay on demand.


Then, I thought about paying and recording it and wondered if the closed captions would be there.  


Why is everything so complicated WAH  ?

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Foyle's War & Miss Fisher on a loop.  That could keep me happy. Have to think of a few others.


Did you enjoy Victoria?  Lord M - yeah.  I liked me some Lord M....  whose wife left him for Lord Byron.  Caroline Lamb.  You probably know that.  I had always heard that name mentioned, but never knew it until the series.


Wolf Hall was good, also. 

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Wof Hall was terrific-- I wish I had seen the whole thing.  That actor, whose name escapes me at the moment (Mark Something?) is so gifted.  He was also the Soviet agent in another fairly recent movie I can't remember the name of, ha.


Victoria was another one I saw in fragments, but liked what I saw.  My problem is I tune into PBS only sporadically, so the things that I would like I'm always missing....

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@Oznell  I used to watch and love the majority of these shows, but now if I see a rerun of any of them, not so much, except for Columbo, it was the best, so I bought the complete set.  I still like earlier detective series.

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@Yahooey wrote:

I was just saying to a girlfriend that many comedies from yesterday were now on oldies TV. I want to see Moonlighting and Remington Steele. Thought both leading men were hunks. They still are.


added bonus -  Doris Roberts was the assistant before her Everybody loves Raymond days.


I don't think these 2 shows ever made the repeat rounds on any channel.



@Yahooey  Yes, Moonlighting, couldn't remember the name, but remembered the actors, wonderful series as it also had comedy.

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[ Edited ]

@NAES1 wrote:

@Highlands72 wrote:

@spiderw wrote:

I watched most of the detective shows mentioned and enjoyed them.  My sister is a fan of the Thin Man series with Myrna Loy and William Powell, she has watched the movies whenever they have been on TCM for years.  We both have loved Charlie Chan since we were young girls and now have the DVD's to watch.




Not long ago, one of the retro channels was showing The Thin Man TV series with Peter Lawford and Phyllis Kirk.


I watched a few episodes. It was ok, but nothing in comparison to William Powell and Myrna Loy. I can watch them over and over again and never get tired of them; that goes for all of the movies Powell and Loy made together.



 ________________________Smiley Happy





          I can't remember exactly when I discovered

The Thin Man series with Myrna Loy and William Powell ( original) but like each one that enjoyed these, also, and spider woman's sister, I can watch those over & over,  Woman Happy which is a feat within itself. 

My husband had known an older neighbor from his childhood friend's father that died 3 years ago.

This man had the entire library of Charlie Chan that he had sent to my husband, prior to his death. 


I don't remember any of the ~these~; actually never remembered anything Chan or Bowery Boys while young.  I really did not watch much TV unless there was a western. My brother loved these so much on early Saturday mornings. These were oldies to us.

I remember a certain cowboy, (??) Kit Carson.. I was smitten..what did I know at 12...?

 I was young when Perry Mason was very popular, loved the music, but was more an outside girl.


Mason is on METV at nights, here ...believe I've seen almost everyone. 


What I did like was going to The huge theaters, (not a boxed building cinema room) Saturday's 1st showing each week with my best buddy girl friend.

I don't believe [the exciting THEATERs] still exist. 


That began at age 13 to 17- where my movie education came to life, or was seeking some interest.

Most of the movies I have spoken about were from the

 ** ' TCM ' when we finally decided on cable.

Our son was always was telling us my friends have cable, can we? Guess who won..... Ahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


'....snippets of trivia was so interesting coming from Robert Osborne'



 I remember (sp)> Phyliss Kirk's name, though. Didn't she have short hair with thick dark bangs, and always wore pencil skirts / very high heels? Can't remember the show.



@NAES1  The Thin Man tv series is the name of the show with Phyliss and Peter Lawford, I have the complete series on dvd.