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I've been watching it from the beginning. I tape The Goodwife but it is so frustrating because the show that comes on before it always runs over, I never know when The Goodwife is coming on to tape it.

I also like Shameless that comes on cable, so I end up taping Shameless way into 1:00AM so that it doesn't interfere with any of my other tapings.

Do any of you get frustrated (like I do) that they put so many of the good shows on at the same time.....and the same night?

It doesn't make sense! They all want to be number one but why do they want to be number one on a Sunday night?

Why not be number one on, say a Saturday night? There is nothing on on Saturday night!

I read everyone wants Sunday night because most people are home on Sunday nights. When I was growing up we'd go to church on Sunday evenings. I guess they don't count that.

I also like Revenge. I couldn't get The Goodwife for 2 weeks then I read on the internet that our Channel 9 keeps Comcast from letting it go so that you can watch it the next day. You have to wait at least 2 days to see it.

Comcast has something called "On Demand" where I can see any of the shows I didn't DVR (copy) usually the next day. However the channel where The Goodwife is shown can't be seen for at least 2 days after Sunday night.

Anyway, I always DVR that show because I like it. I like shows where the females don't act stupid.

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They do offer a lot of shows on the same time.

60 Minutes has CBS by the short hairs! It is NEVER pre-empted!!!! Therefore, it airs in its entirety EVERY.SINGLE.WEEK, then The Amazing Race comes on and then, the next and the next...each one pushed back because of some sports program, then 60 Minutes. It's so frustrating.

CBS is also a bear to watch something later. Since they are not big on "sharing". UGH!!!!

I like this show, but I really wish they would explain a bit more. I think that he could be speaking to the sheriff's wife too.

It was so sad when all of the other children left Jacob alone on that soccer field. I just felt bad for him.

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I really don't get why they decided to call this show Resurrection when we now know these people are not resurrected. They are copies, apparently. And I don't think it's because they were afraid people would confuse this show with the French series that aired on the Sundance channel. And if they did, so what? A lot of people seem to think so anyway. I find the title weird.

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When I saw the commercials, I was really hoping it would be along the lines of Highway to Heaven or Touched by an Angel. Silly me, I should have known today's popular culture is shows about vampires, zombies, and aliens.

However, I can't stop watching it. The story is presented very well, just leaking out a little bit at a time, and the actors are all really good. I am enjoying it a lot, so far.

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I certainly wouldn't call it any kind of spiritual show and the title really wasn't a good one for this series at all. I like the show, though it plods along slowly like a soap opera, which is not something I like at all. It keeps me guessing, like Revolution does. I feel since ABC usually axes every new show that it won't last. ABC has a horrible track record and I usually don't even bother watching that channel or anything they offer because its an effort in futility.

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I was home alone all day today and was caught up on everything else I watch, so I pulled up all four episodes on Demand and watched them all.

I liked it enough that I will TiVo the new eppy tonight.

I want to know what's going on with these people.....

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I just watched tonight's episode and have a question about a past episode, so hopefully this is not a spoiler.


I was wondering why the minister's old girlfriend killed herself or have they said yet? I don't remember hearing why. The news she received tonight appeared to be something she didn't know before she died (I think....unless she did know and that was why she killed herself).

Where do you guys think Caleb disappeared to and why??

This show is pretty confusing but it's also really interesting and intriguing to me. I really want to find out what is going on.

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They have not said why Rachel killed herself (yet). When Caleb's reflection disappeared from the water cooler, I gasped, but so glad Jacob is okay. I am wondering if Rachel is the daughter of the busy body from the playground and church? I wonder if the baby is not Tom's and that is why she killed herself? Glad to see Henry is finally coming around about Jacob.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Great episode last night! I gasped too when Caleb disappeared! Love Agent Bellamy; he is so caring about Jacob.
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Posts: 521
Registered: ‎03-22-2010

OMG--I'm hooked on this show! It is so different and it has just reeled me. Last night was the best one yet. I love the Good Wife, too--that's what a DVR is for! I really like Omar Epps, and that little boy is so adorable--you just want to hug him.