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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

I continue to like Kristine and Keith as a couple, the most.   They seem compatible.   I liked it when asked the personal questions, he looks to her to see if she wants to talk about it instead of just blurting stuff out.  That, to me, shows respect.


That Luke guy is still creepy as heck to me.   I like her, though, as she seems sweet and nice.    I don't know what to expect to happen with them.  I see her continuing to go WAY out of her way to work on things and him just being, well, a short-for-Richard.  Smiley Wink      I truly wish the best for her, though, and if that means they end up together then I hope he fully steps up.   She is just so sweet that you want to help her.  Smiley Sad


AJ and Stephanie - I think I like them if it turns out that he doesn't have anger issues.  If he does, I see her helping him but the crux will be if HE wants to help himself and work his way out of it.


Is it Will & Jasmine?  I hope they work things out.


I kind of feel badly for everyone always being grilled about the super personal stuff, though.   That has to be kind of cringey.

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

[ Edited ]

Jasmine seems to undermine any chance of having her husband want intimacy with her.  She's bossy, critical, doesn't know how to flirt with him or have a clue about initiating simple kindness mixed with affection and touch.  Maybe he will initiate something but I wonder if he's smarter to keep to himself.


Kate deserves better than Lukes best, whatever that may be but she does seem genuinely attracted to him so as long as she's in it for the long haul, I hope he's hiding a spectacular personality and opens it up to her.


AJ seems almost to have a form of PTSD, the quick rage response.  His wife who is trying so hard to temper his over-reactions, may find he is more work than he's worth.  It depends on how frequently she is bringing him back from the edge and if it becomes emotionally exhausting.  Her smile sometimes seems forced when her expressive eyes say something else.


The last couple will be okay.  I hope they get on BC, they've already been taking chances.  That Dr. Pepper broached the subject with them speaks to the show's awareness and probable wish to not have a repeat of a broken relationship after having a baby like in the last season.





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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

Rather than let myself continue to be upset about the way Kate is being emotionally abused, by Luke, and also the show itself, I am going to believe what I have read other places that the couples have specific schedules to shoot the "bed scenes" and other specifics (which is why they always seem to be dressed and made up), and that they are just enforcing the contract. They have to play the game to get the check. I personally think Kate should have been removed and paid both her and Luke's money, but I am going to convince myself that they are acting.


I can't understand how Kate doesn't seem to even see that anything Luke says to her to condescending and insulting. When his first words were, "Someone finds it necessary to sleep in the middle of the bed," she just smiled and said she had to so she could be close to him. And the way she is constantly draping herself around him when he is so obviously not interested is just so sad. I truly hope this is just production directions because Kate is losing my empathy for her. Last night, when she again got so excited at him throwing her a crumb when he gave her a quick kiss (and then stuck his tongue out to the producers and viewers), she thought maybe it meant he is starting to like her. So, I am choosing to give her credit for acting rather than decide that she really is that stupid. 


I like Will and respect him for not giving in to Jasmine (and probably the producers) and it is obvious he is not interested in Jasmine. She demeans him constantly and it seems he can do nothing right. I don't blame him for not wanting to consumate the marriage. She most likely wouldn't like the way he does that, either.


I think Keith and Kristine are cute and I hope that one works out. I think that by the end, or at least the 3 month reunion, AJ and Stephanie will be done. He has too many temper/anger issues and she is going to get real sick of him taking it out on her and just being told that it is not personal. 

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

Luke just is so unlikeable IMO.   When he stuck his tongue out at the camera I felt like it was a see?  I threw her a crumb.   I wonder if they got to watch before they agreed to stay married.  Like when she was in it she didn't realize how degrading he is but seeing it back may realize it. 

Jasmine would be very difficult to live with.   To me even Kate and Luke have a better relationship.

I think Stephanie wants to be married badly enough that she will put up with AJ.

And finally, Keith and Kristine seems to be doing so well I assume they will be the one couple who doesn't want to stay married!

I am liking this season.

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

Luke makes me want to slap that smirky smile off his face.


Kate and Will.....RUN!

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

I'm not a big fan of Jasmine.  She appears to be too traditional for Will.  Also, has a bit of "my way or the highway" attitude.  When Will was cooking breakfast for her, she seemed annoyed instead of appreciative.  She said she "should" be doing the cooking.  What young woman feels like today?!  Maybe that's what she saw growing up.  The man being the leader of the household, the protector, etc.  And, the woman taking care of everything else.  I, also, don't think Will finds her attractive, whether it's looks or her personality.  He just doesn't seem that into her. 

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

@Lisa now in AZ  Totally agree with you. Luke (or short for Richard as ChickenButt says), is a puke. It's bad enough for what he said after he kissed Kate, but he never hesitates to be snotty. When she was making salad and asked if she should use the big tomatoes (something like that) he said "well, what else would we use?". When they were on their honeymoon, she asked him in the morning if he wanted to shower first he said "I told you I shower at night, remember?" That jerked my chain. She was being thoughtful. Some people shower am and pm ~ how would she know if she didn't ask? Yikes, my blood pressure goes up when I see him. He's not one bit attractive either, IMO.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

This week's episode was shorter than usual because of some wedding show afterwards.  I felt it was too rushed.


With that said, I really hope Kristine/Keith start using some sort of birth control; neither seemed to give it a thought and it only takes one time. 


Out of all of the couples, they seem to be the only ones that might make it.  AJ's flaring temper would be too much and I suspect Stephanie will tire of that, though she really wants to be married, it would still get old.


Luke/Kate - after the last episode, I'll just say that he repulses me - everything about him.  I realize that's harsh; however, I just can't take much of his attitude anymore.  He may think he's a 'prize', but he's not.


Will/Jasmine - if she doesn't stop with the comments about everything he does, he'll tire of that and I'm not sure he's really into her at all.

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

After last night's episode again being only an hour, I am not sure iff any of these couples will make it.


I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll keep my feelings to myself.  I just know that AJ, Luke and Keith (who I feel is too immature for Kristine) would get on my last nerve. 


As for Will, again, I'm not sure he's really into Jasmine.

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Re: Reminder Married at first sight tonight

@HisElk1 wrote:

After last night's episode again being only an hour, I am not sure iff any of these couples will make it.


I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll keep my feelings to myself.  I just know that AJ, Luke and Keith (who I feel is too immature for Kristine) would get on my last nerve. 


As for Will, again, I'm not sure he's really into Jasmine.

@HisElk1, I would love to hear your thoughts.  Please post and put in a spoiler tag (the little yellow thing above "font sizes").  But if it is your thoughts, it's not a spoiler, really.  We all have thoughts on things.   

I agree, though, any of these guys would make me crazy.  And hopefully Kate's friends will get through to her and she will be the one to not want to stay married rather than him doing it.