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Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

That was an odd challenge. I think it was Fabio's time. I don't know why he doesn't translate his fabulous personal style into his designs. Michelle seems to be in the circus attire phase. Last week with the clown couture and this week with the circus dress. Lol. I liked Helen's dress. The designs were kind of underwhelming, but the powers that be give them so little time.
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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

Did not like any o them, and would not have them for any wedding. Mellissa looks like she is going to have quads. Why do women today show the huge baby bump in tight dresses. Nothing wrong with baby bumps, but where did the class go, do we have to prove we are women that way?
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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

That episode was just strange to me. Why would someone have their bridesmaids dresses designed and produced the day before their wedding in a limited amount of time? Then again, who would want to be married on a tv show on the runway? Maybe a fashion designer to be? The bridal couple must have received some sort of compensation. Did they say she was getting her bridal gown for free? And maybe the honeymoon?{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Agree about Alyssa. While pregnant and on this show she looks awful in everything she's worn. It's too tight and too busy looking for someone her size (5'2") and I think that's what's making her look extra huge. Her style certainly isn't mine. For this being a fashion show, you would think she'd meet with a stylist before taking the runway. When she isn't pregnant, she always looks good.

I'm ready for this season of Project Runway All Stars to be over.

Formerly lainey since Shop Talk days. Had to change nickname due to new Forum
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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

Please tell me that was a fake wedding! The "bridesmaids" were certainly models--no one has that many model-sized friends. All in all, a big ad for Marchesa bridal and just strange.

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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

LOL - the wedding was pretty funny. All the designers in the front row and family and friends (maybe 10 people?) in the 2nd.

Designs were safe, as one would expect for a bridesmaid dress. I liked Sonjia's the best. Guess I couldn't see the detail on Helen's dress well enough to understand her win. I will say, as she is also a bridal designer, that I was okay with Helen winning as the prize may benefit her the most.

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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

second week in a row that I didn't like any of the dresses - very sad choices for bridesmaids. What's going on with these finalists?? I get it that they're tired with little time to come up with designs and marvel that they get anything done in time - but it's never showed this much on any previous shows. Hope they improve before the finals.

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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

I thought Isaac was particularly harsh and insensitive in this episode. I really didn't like any of them too much, but thought Helen's was the best.
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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

On 1/31/2015 coldlake said:

Please tell me that was a fake wedding! The "bridesmaids" were certainly models--no one has that many model-sized friends. All in all, a big ad for Marchesa bridal and just strange.

I thought the same thing.

I didn't think there was a decent bridesmaid dress in the bunch. Helen won because hers was least awful.

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Re: Project Runway: 1/29 Episode (spoilers)

Have to agree with all of you! Alyssa Milano has been a hot mess this whole season, designs were not inspired, Isaac was petty and rude and I thought the wedding was fake too-i turned the channel when it began, but not before noticing the same thing about the designers in the front row and the guests in the back :-D