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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

@Big Sister wrote:

Yes, I agree Peggy should go; she doesn't fit in.


I hope they dump Vicki and that will bring her down a peg.  She thinks she is the Queen.  But hopefully, Steve is having a good influence on her and she is bringing down all her drama.


Tamra's mouth is just dirty.  I would like her gone, too.  And Kelly, don't get me started about her sewer mouth.  There isn't a lady among them.


Maybe Bravo should just start all over with the OCHW.



@Big Sister  Vicki will never be dumped, she began this show, and she should leave for her own well being, but doubt she will have sense enough for that.

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

But now how will we all learn about Armenian culture?

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

I was just reading comments from the attached link and someone said Peggy and Dikko are not married. They got divorce after their 1st year of marriage, but, they claim they have been married 22 yrs.  Another comment said they got divorced when Dikko was being sued over the wrong rims being put on a teenager's car, resulting in him being paralyzed.  They remained living together after their divorce.  Who knows if any of that is true, I never heard that before.


I think RHOC needs an entire new cast, I can't stand Tamara or Vickie, sooo phony!

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

@Daisy Sunflower I was thinking of you when I said that LOL

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

[ Edited ]

Don't understand why she felt the need to say, "I'm Armenian" so often. She'd eventually work it into the conversation. Strange.


Every time she mentioned that she's Armenian, they should have told her what they are. lol

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

@Daisy wrote:

Don't understand why she felt the need to say, "I'm Armenian" so often. She'd eventually work it into the conversation. Strange.


Every time she mentioned that she was Armenian, they should have told her what they are. lol



I agree.  I didn't mean I was thinking of you in a bad way Smiley Happy  I just remember your mentioning it before, too.  

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

I am sure there is much more to Peggy than what was shown, but I just wasn't connected to her story.  I would FF through the scenes with her and  Nikko.


Lydia is a snorefest too....her and her husband creep me out......her mom is waaaaaay out there too.

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

[ Edited ]

I actually ended up liking Peggy more than I thought I would.  I felt badly for her as the women usually treated her so poorly.  I didn't like Lydia when she was on in earlier seasons, and I don't like her now.  I do like Lydia's mother though. 


I'd like to see Peggy stay and Lydia and detective Meghan to go.   Meghan brought nothing to this show, and Lydia brought little except for some drama.  


I still don't know what is going on with Peggy and Diko.  They seemed so happily married on the show, but I saw some conflicting reports about them being divorced.  I couldn't find any substantiation of it though when I googled. I actually think they are still probably married.  All their wealth, etc. I think is a bunch of c a r a p p.  I think it's all an act, and Diko is even probably more into the appearance of them being loaded than Peggy is.


I'd like Alexis to be brought back and possibly some new women.  I don't think Vicki who is the OG of the OC will ever leave or get dumped.  


Tamra is mean and vicous and a troublemaker. She can go too.  I used to love OC, and now though I still watch it, it's not good.  


Bring Heather back too--as condescending as she could be.  I do like her podcast....


As far as Andy him.  But, I do think he's a bit "out there".  I like his honesty about how he smokes pot a lot, lol (no....I don't), and I"m surprised he's so vocal about it.  It kind of makes me laugh.  I think his s#x#ual life is probably super out there too and he's probably into 3 somes, etc.   He is a bit dirty acting, but I appreciate his honesty and his talent as far as producing these shows.  He's obviously brilliant and knew women would respond. 

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

I would start watching it again if they got rid of Tamra and Vicki.

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Re: Peggy from RHOC is fired

I wish her good health but as far as the show goes she was a terrible fit. one on the show seemed to be a good fit this past season. 

Hope next season is an improvement.