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Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

I never watched this show on OWN.... it really draws you in... a lot like Dynasty or  Dallas did years ago.  Watching hours and seasons back to back today on Own. 

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Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I never watched this show on OWN.... it really draws you in... a lot like Dynasty or  Dallas did years ago.  Watching hours and seasons back to back today on Own. 



It really does keep you interested.  At times, the series seems to move in slow motion, but something brings you back.


My favorite character is Veronica. Now, that is one crazy woman!


I may tune in for some shows, but I have been in since season one.  Also I am currently enjoying reruns of Yellowstone on Paramount.  


The woman that plays Hannah, Crystal Fox goes way back in her career to "In the Heat of the Night" series in which she played a young police officer. 

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Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

I started watching that show from the beginning but in my opinion it's become so violent that I stopped watching. I  prefer watching the Madea movies. I hope Tyler Perry brings her back, her violence is funny Woman LOL

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Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

I happened to come across that marathon in the guide, yesterday, and almost decided to watch some of it.


Then I remembered that, after watching the show for a few years, I just couldn't take any more.   My biggest thing with this one was the bad guys getting away with stuff over and over and over, ad nauseam, with never any resolution.   


I guess that's what sells so I'm probably not in anybody's targeted market, but I just cannot do that level of repetition and of  the bad guys always doing whatever they want with no consequence.


It may have been a couple of years ago now, but one day I just hit my limit, deleted the Pass, and never looked back.


I kind of wonder if things ever changed, or anything interesting happened, but I guess nobody else is watching either as I haven't seen a thread on the show in ages.



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

I started watching that show from the beginning but in my opinion it's become so violent that I stopped watching. I  prefer watching the Madea movies. I hope Tyler Perry brings her back, her violence is funny Woman LOL

@Goodie2shoes is violent 😳

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

Veronica is so EVIL. I hope in this last season starting tonight she is killed off...

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Own The have and Have Nots marathon...

[ Edited ]

Two days plus of Back to back episodes of HAHN ready to NOT watch!  The first episode of the final season was on last was OK.


I wonder who they will kill off this final season? Veronica comes to mind....she deserves at least life in prison. SO EVIL.   Would love to see her there....death is too good for her....